The person you searched for (David Barrett) has authored 63 comments. They are shown below in reverse date-order, and grouped by the post they belong to:
Post | Comment |
Post | Comment |
July 2005 | |
A hello-and-goodbye kind of post | Dunstan, thanks for your posts over the last two years. It's been some good reading. [view in situ] |
January 2005 | |
A short film of the puppies at 13-days old | Personally, I would have gone with "I Don't Know" on Hello Nasty. It gives it a different feel, though it's certainly not typical Beastie Boys stuff. That, or "Raining Blood" by Slayer. I have… [view in situ] |
A short film of the week-old puppies | Man, you sure like those puppies :) [view in situ] |
Lotty and Dotty | Am I the only one reminded of this picture?… As seen in college dorms the world over. [view in situ] |
Poppy has puppies | The puppies look like little, non-evil rats :) What are your plans for them? [view in situ] |
November 2004 | |
A new job | If I were to guess, I'd say you're working on the iTunes music store or an Apple sub-site (like the "Powered by Wordpress" student site). Either that, or testing how well Powerbooks handle a… [view in situ] |
Congratulations dude, I hope it goes well. [view in situ] |
Applying CSS to external services | LazyWeb. That's it. [view in situ] |
I think this is a project for that, er, small project volunteer thing whose name escapes me. [view in situ] |
October 2004 | |
Die photos, die! | Alright... hows this? On Tuesday, a woman threw her baby at me. [view in situ] |
I'm sure most people who've heard about furries wish they hadn't. [view in situ] |
You obviously haven't heard of furries yet Dunstan. [view in situ] |
I'm thinking your girlfriend might like this:… Particularly the dog at the end. It's kind of disturbing, but entirely work safe. [view in situ] |
Hitler who? | "Their fear campaign has turned the "soccer-mom" voter into the "security-mom" and all that money they're throwing into the campaign is working." Which is ironic, as voting for Bush makes it… [view in situ] |
I'd just like to note that the German populace *did* know about the concentration camps, particularly those that lived nearby. Parents used to threaten to send their children there if they… [view in situ] |
Hi Jog, I agree with the sentiment you expressed in your last post, I just don't think that the latest Gulf War can be compared to World War II. They are too different. I think it's far too… [view in situ] |
No, you appear to be right. My bad. [view in situ] |
Actually Jog, that reminds me. People are far too quick to compare subsequent wars to World War II, but it's usually not a good idea. Comparing the current campaign in Iraq to WW2 doesn't work,… [view in situ] |
Of course Hitler didn't care about the Geneva convention. It was only adopted in 1949, coming into force in 1950. The guy did a lot of horrendous things, but he can't be blamed for not following… [view in situ] |
They've been made obsolete by the Communists (I mean, let's face it... there ain't no party like a Bolshevik party). I think it's just a Nazi plot to try and drum up support. At least it's an… [view in situ] |
Lemur therapy | My dirty mind read that the wrong way, and I shuddered. [view in situ] |
The Canadians spell colour the right way? That's another good reason to move there. *makes notes* [view in situ] |
"Unfortunately, as a newly-minted California resident" Dude, does this mean you've emigrated fully? [view in situ] |
Diet Pepsi, the choice of Athlets | NORTHERN Ireland. Don't tell me you guys want our country back. [view in situ] |
Then why do you have four separate football teams? Does this mean you've been cheating for years by team-spamming major competitions? [view in situ] |
*pats trim, no-effort lack of belly* Ah. Seriously, read that book I mentioned. It goes into great depth about the causes of obesity. Interestingly, obesity seems to affect the poor and… [view in situ] |
You should read "Fat Land" by Greg Critser, really scares the crap out of you. I've stopped drinking "sodas" since reading it. [view in situ] |
August 2004 | |
Facts from Oliver Letwin | As an aside, something has gone wrong with Firefox and I'm stuck on IE6 at the moment. HELP ME IT HURTS. I noticed the spell-checker on the preview... nice. [view in situ] |
I had an idea for a painting. It would show an imaginary cruise ship, the USS America, smashing into an iceberg. The captain would be drunk, and everyone would be oblivious to what was going… [view in situ] |
28 years ago today | Happy birthday man. Only two more years to go before you start obsessing about your impending old age. [view in situ] |
July 2004 | |
Summer garden | "here in the UK". So, you're back from San Francisco then? [view in situ] |
Version 2 | It's a pretty sweet design Dunstan. Your work on the custom backend has made me want to make my own. Thanks for the inspiration. I wonder how many times this particular chain of events has… [view in situ] |
Barbequing with the rich and famous | Ireland is where it rains all the time. If you can figure out how to attract the rain to your country, you English are welcome to it. [view in situ] |
June 2004 | |
England 5 Portugal 6 | A Dublin radio station had some songs about England, I think they're funny, if a bit harsh :) You can get them from their site: Direct links to… [view in situ] |
Can I join this society? Great expression in the second-last picture by the way, Jeremy ;) Dunstan, I think the best bit was when the Portugese goalie stopped one of his team-mates from going… [view in situ] |
Transfer tickets | It is possible he was in fact giving you the secret wink. I believe the appropriate response in such circumstances is to tap your left shoulder twice with your right palm, shouting "Huzzah!… [view in situ] |
Saucer of milk for table three | I wouldn't do something so impolite as an unsolicited ass biting. It doesn't stop the urge though. :) [view in situ] |
"Mind you, he can do this thing when he walks, and he moves he ass up and down, like..." *mimes ass cheeks moving up and down with hands* "...and I’m like, 'Oh my god!'" I can agree with this.… [view in situ] |
A quick note to the man standing beside me in the queue for the toilets last Saturday | You need to always carry a Zippo lighter. He'll think twice about having his penis hanging out after you've set fire to his pubes. [view in situ] |
May 2004 | |
Trackback on business sites | Yeah. We still have version 2.661, which is still free. And if we want a better feature set, we can roll our own. MTs been annoying me for a while now; it's awkward using something with the… [view in situ] |
Senses | "How do you know that you don't feel more than everyone else... I mean, you've never felt what everyone else has, have you? You've been like this for your whole life, right? So you COULD have super… [view in situ] |
My sense of smell is one of, if not my only, super power. This is the worst super power ever; this is not something you want to have walking around Temple Bar on a Saturday / Sunday / Monday… [view in situ] |
Two favourite posts | That I've written:
A shared language | Dunstan, you're not thinking on your feet. If I guy ever put his hand that close to my penis, I'd be sure to reward him by pissing my pants; shouting: "YOU BROKE THE BAG! YOU BROKE THE BAG!" [view in situ] |
Text-messaging | A friend of mine (who does sound engineering at my church) decided that, for the benefit of the practicing band, it was a good idea to bring a radio mic into the loo with him as he went for a wee. [view in situ] |
Being single | I'm afraid I can't feel your pain, because my past life is full of "You're cute, but you have a penis" moments. I seem to be off the lesbians for now, thank God. [view in situ] |
Dunstan: "Is it really a year?" Have you been watching "Time Gentlemen Please" recently? When I read that, I thought of Al Murray telling himself "Well, it's been a year!". Dude, get rid of… [view in situ] |
April 2004 | |
Howdy, from the West Coast | You should probably head down to Fiddler's Green after all. Bring those posters, put a Union Jack around your shoulders and start shouting "Rule Britannia!" as loud as you can. Then close your eyes… [view in situ] |
Old before its time | To be honest I've never held one, and I have seen people balance one on one hand. But the things are WAY too big to be used as a laptop... they make pretty good portable desktops, but I'd like to… [view in situ] |
It rules at snapping the femur alright. [view in situ] |
Yes Dunstan. Everyone did know. You know that 17" Powerbook is going to break your lap, right? [view in situ] |
Cheep cheep, baaaa | Tired of subtle? When's the last time there's been a good smiting, eh? [view in situ] |
Dominique | It's possible for non-SixApart software to authenticate users with TypeKey. Read the FAQ on their site. Unless that's not what you meant, Rahul. [view in situ] |
"A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush" My dirty mind tells me this cliche is wrong. [view in situ] |
A pair for every day of the week | Hairdresser? [view in situ] |
I often find that, if anything, I do not have ENOUGH sharp implements on flights. Next time, I'm bring a cordless drill. [view in situ] |
Retro: Very arranged marriages | That reminds me. I need to get my "am I Prod or not" site up. [view in situ] |
March 2004 | |
Retro: Six generationas of baloney | This is genius:… [view in situ] |
When I was… | Crap. I see what I did wrong. I probably shouldn't have been using "So, are you coming to the Ard Fheis? I hear Gerry has a great one lined up for us." as a chat up line. Thankfully I can notch… [view in situ] |
Pretending to be Irish? How did you do that? I ask, as I've lived in Ireland since I was born. Maybe I'm not doing it right. [view in situ] |
February 2004 | |
Anna Riley, wish number one | I thought Fiji was under three feet of water. What are you going to do there, breed horses? [view in situ] |
Are you asking for any old selfish wish or are you asking what woman do you think is hottest? If the former, enough cash to survive on would be pretty nice. If the latter, it's got to be Joanne… [view in situ] |
January 2004 | |
Cutting your own hair | Is the next article going to be titled "How to levitate a camera behind yourself"? [view in situ] |
A collection of miscellaneous links that don't merit a main blog posting, but which are interesting none-the-less.
Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.— George W Bush (9)
Stuff from the intersection of design, culture and technology.(3)
A selection of blogs I read on a regular basis.