Your search found 33 posts containing the term life.
4th March 2005 | Comments (70)
Following on from last week’s film, here’s another video of the puppies arsing about on the lawn. This time I got my iMovie HD…
11th October 2004 | Comments (35)
Despite the tide of liberalism that has swept across Britain in recent years, certain things remain taboo in my home country. Get caught shagging a…
7th October 2004 | Comments (76)
I spent yesterday evening looking through quite a large number of photography web sites, specifically photoblogs, and had a mightily annoying time…
28th September 2004 | Comments (35)
The Girlfriend and I, lying in bed last night, half conscious, unable to fully get to sleep… Dunstan *spppp* The GF …did you…
28th August 2004 | Comments (21)
Last weekend The Girlfriend and I decided to get out the city and do something different. We scanned and saw that the San Mateo…
27th August 2004 | Comments (24)
Well, well, I have some catching up to do here, don’t I? No-one seems to know where I am, or what I’m doing, so here’s a quick…
6th August 2004 | Comments (27)
I meant to mention this a while back, but on the fourth of July The Girlfriend and I went bowling, in Daly City. I’d only been 10-pin bowling…
17in Apple laptops aren’t useful just for web development and meeting geeky chicks; they can also help bring healthy, vibrant people (like you…
Sir, I met you only briefly last weekend, but in that short time I ascertained that you are a dedicated follower of the mantra ‘prepare…
When I was a child the newspapers were always filled with stories about excesses in EU agricultural production: Butter Mountains, Milk Lakes, and…
16th April 2004 | Comments (22)
Preface: The average man, when confronted by a chap demanding that he Pretend to be a chicken, might be forgiven for laughing like an asthmatic…
10th April 2004 | Comments (12)
I was browsing through our dictionary of quotations tonight, and noted down a few that caught my eye. Muhammad Ali (Announcing his…
Overheard bits of daily life.
23rd March 2004 | Comments (34)
Tucson, Arizona, USA ~ April, 2002. Breakfast Ordering food is always an event in America, or so it seems to me. I’ve always…
I have to agree, Life of Pi is a fabulous book. No doubt the film will be crap.
Swindon town has the oddest roundabout, in the World, ever.
3rd March 2004 | Comments (40)
When I was two, I climbed into our swimming pool and, unsurprisingly, sank straight to the bottom. I sat there, leaking air, until my brother…
27th January 2004 | Comments (3)
Everyone in the World should hold a wombat at some point in their life. Ian and Manda did.
22nd January 2004 | Comments (11)
Over in Holland, a guy called Roberto Antonio Ferreira De Almeida (catchy!) has taken my weather idea and got all ‘scientific on its…
10th January 2004 | Comments (8)
In our garden, the vegetable garden, there sits a terracotta bell. It’s about knee high and the top lifts off so you can peer into the…
10th January 2004 | Comments (18)
I’m going to blow my own horn here for a moment, *toot*, and say I’m pretty pleased with the error handling on this site. I’ve…
2nd January 2004 | Comments (7)
The other day my dad and I watched a documentary on the life of James Brown, The God Father of Soul. It’s not often that you watch an…
27th December 2003 | Comments (0)
Online mag offering advice on balancing work and life.
24th December 2003 | Comments (19)
There was a knock at our front door today. Mum and I got there at the same time and when I opened it up an old tramp was standing in our porch…
25th November 2003 | Comments (1)
I was just having a nose through the Web, as is my wont, when I stumbled across a comment I’d left at a friend’s site. Daisy is a…
18th November 2003 | Comments (0)
Some songs I’m enjoying at the moment: Kelly watch the stars (Moog Cookbook Remix) — Air How Come You Don’t Call Me —…
16th November 2003 | Comments (15)
The following post hinges entirely on the premise that Google places no page rank value on un-linked, plain text URLs like this:…
11th October 2003 | Comments (0)
In 1993, after much prodding from the family, my Grandma and Grandad broke their number one life rule (If naked people aren’t involved,…
6th October 2003 | Comments (21)
I’m pretty hacked off — I’ve got mouth ulcers. Yes, I know we all get mouth ulcers, I expect you’ve had them, but I…
4th October 2003 | Comments (2)
There are too many things in my life. Not people and jobs and decisions, but actual things — books, diaries, shoes, clothes,…
27th September 2003 | Comments (2)
My parents have just come back from a dear-friend’s funeral, a chap called Rex Haythornethwaite. Rex’s Claim to Fame was that he…
23rd September 2003 | Comments (1)
I do love the fact that my parents have a large vegetable garden. We rarely have a meal where the fruit or veg doesn’t come from out back,…
20th September 2003 | Comments (1)
I am not easily scared by the advance of time. I don’t spend my days huddled in dark corners thinking Good God, I’m 27, I should…
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Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.— George W Bush (9)
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