The person you searched for (Chad) has authored 25 comments. They are shown below in reverse date-order, and grouped by the post they belong to:
Post | Comment |
Post | Comment |
July 2005 | |
A hello-and-goodbye kind of post | Thanks for all of the inspiration and great code. And I'm glad to see your pix on flickr, keep up the great photography! [view in situ] |
February 2005 | |
I am a kitten | I feel your pain, brotha. [view in situ] |
January 2005 | |
Lotty and Dotty | These puppy pictures are magical. The puppies have such a heavenly glow to them. [view in situ] |
August 2004 | |
Seagulls | Dude, whoaaaa. [view in situ] |
San Mateo County Fair | Ahhh, county fairs, a good ole' slice of Americana there for ya Dunstan my boy. Just went to our county fair on Thursday, our boy loved all of the animals. Our neighbors even had some sheep and… [view in situ] |
Back in America | Welcome back! Sorry about your Grandfather, losses are always hard. Lucas looks like my kinda guy, he has Legos, the coolest toy ever! [view in situ] |
Bowling over 200 | Bowling is great, isn't it? I bowled in a work league once, and the best I could ever muscle up was around 180 if I remember correctly (which happens occasionally). Know what makes bowling even… [view in situ] |
The Shadow/Highlight tool in Photoshop CS | That is amazing, the details it brings out on the underside of the mushroom. And I see you are enjoying that new lens of yours. [view in situ] |
28 years ago today | I like how you added your birth announcement to the pic, your Mother would love a copy of that, eh? And the simplicity of the announcement..."Both well." Very cool. [view in situ] |
A walk in the sun | Great shots as always, Dunstan. I truly believe that dog shots are some of the best there are (although kid ones are great too). I bet Poppy was glad to see you upon your return, and you her. [view in situ] |
July 2004 | |
Redesign explained: tag transformations | Whew! That was a long post indeed, but very informative (as always). And that is some good lookin' bacon ya got there buddy! [view in situ] |
Summer garden | Nice shots, tell me about your new fish-eye lens. Is a fish-eye better (or more flexible) for doing extreme close-ups than a micro lens?? [view in situ] |
A weekend away at Sea Ranch | Nothing quite like capturing nature in its' most private and intimate moments, eh? Never pass up the opportunity to get a shot of an animal duece'n....nice shots. [view in situ] |
Version 2 | Wow. Who'd have thought you could actually make this comment system (and the weather stuff) any cooler and slicker...nice work. 'Nuff said. [view in situ] |
June 2004 | |
England 5 Portugal 6 | Nice sequence of emotions, it's almost as if we were all there with you watching your hopes and dreams fade away...sorry man. [view in situ] |
Busy having fun | Nice new house there pal, and with a garage, in SF, oooh lala!! [view in situ] |
A quick note to the man standing beside me in the queue for the toilets last Saturday | So no one said anything to this guy, something as short as "Hey, put your damn tool away"??? [view in situ] |
May 2004 | |
A shared language | I'll tell you this much....sounds like grounds for a good ass-whoopin' to least where I come from (the South). [view in situ] |
April 2004 | |
Howdy, from the West Coast | You have quite a knack for running into *interesting* people on your travels, don't you?? Keeps one from getting bored though, and makes for damn good stories....San Fran is a great town, lots of… [view in situ] |
March 2004 | |
Retro: Adventures on Speedway Boulevard | The Waffle House and IHOP certainly are coming up here alot in the past week or so, eh?? Sean, I'm sorry that the nicest restaraunt in your town is the IHOP....but I do agree with you on the… [view in situ] |
You're killin me man! I love these stories first thing in the morning! Ain't 'Merica GREAT!?!?! [view in situ] |
Retro: Ordering food in America | Aahhhh, the Awful Waffle (House)....that sounds really good right about now...I'll take my hashbrowns scattered, smothered, chunked, and diced, thank you....and as for IHOP, I prefer to call them… [view in situ] |
Server swap | Page loads are incredibly faster! [view in situ] |
Retro: Everyone likes Cox | thanks dunstan, she was an australian shepherd...and yes, it hurts to lose a friend, thats for sure...everyone tells me that you have to try and focus on the good memories, although sometimes thats… [view in situ] |
good one dunstan....i have lived all over the southeastern us, and the "cox cartel", as i prefer to call them, have taken over the cable industry, and their service sucks! we had a "hi-speed"… [view in situ] |
A collection of miscellaneous links that don't merit a main blog posting, but which are interesting none-the-less.
Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.— George W Bush (9)
Stuff from the intersection of design, culture and technology.(3)
A selection of blogs I read on a regular basis.