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Posts for February 2004 (4 entries)

Missing socks

25th February 2004, the wee hours | Comments (16)

For no good reason, this poem about socks popped into my head this evening…

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Tell us everything! Well, not quite everything…

21st February 2004, the wee hours | Comments (27)

Now here’s an odd thing: if you’re a terrorist with an overwhelming urge to confess, or you’re the friend of a terrorist and you’re thinking of cashing him in, the CIA have thoughtfully provided a web-based form where you can spill your guts…

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Pickled Peppers

18th February 2004, the wee hours | Comments (13)

Molly says she saw some Peppers in her local market today and her post struck a chord with me — didn’t I have some silly Pickled Pepper thing somewhere? Didn’t I write something about that a while back? Now, where would I have put it? Ah yes, here it is…

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Filed under: Irony

12th February 2004, the wee hours | Comments (29)

I feel I ought to point out that my recent WaSP buzz regarding Great Britain’s excellence in the railway department was, how can I say, a ‘touch ironic’.

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