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30th March 2004, late morning | Comments (37)
Tucson, Arizona, USA ~ April, 2002.
Temperature: 95°F.
Tucson is not a place for the pedestrian. Try to travel the length of East Speedway Boulevard by foot and you’ll very quickly realise that you’re an oddity, and an uncatered for oddity at that…
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25th March 2004, early afternoon | Comments (29)
Tucson, Arizona, USA ~ April, 2002.
Last night we went to a Japanese restaurant in town, and being communal tables they sat three more people down with us — a little girl, her mum and her mum’s boyfriend (a mechanic with the USAF).
During the course of our conversation Molly happened to remark that her family had a recipe for something that was five generations old. The mechanic countered that he learned his cooking from his Ma and that the recipe for his favourite sandwich was six generations old, had been brought to this country from Ireland by his Great Grandmother, and was still written on the original paper.
Now, even if that was true, ask yourself this — what kind of family needs to write down the recipe for a sandwich?
23rd March 2004, early evening | Comments (34)
Tucson, Arizona, USA ~ April, 2002.
Ordering food is always an event in America, or so it seems to me. I’ve always tripped through life on the understanding that menus indicate the food combinations and prices that an establishment offers. In the States however a menu seems to just be a starting point — a list of words and letters which can be combined into any mix of dishes that the customer desires…
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23rd March 2004, the wee hours | Comments (18)
Hey, Dad, on Sunday I was Feedster’s ‘Feed of the Day’. That’s nice isn’t it?
What’s Feedster?
Feedsteris to blogs what Google is to Web sites,says the Wall Street Journal.
Oh. Well, well done.
Morag, Dunstan is the ‘Web of the Day’ on the ‘Google of the Internet’, apparently.
Thank you Betsy Devine, and everyone else at Feedster.
18th March 2004, early evening | Comments (30)
Well well, the big day is here, and I’m sure you’re all pretty excited about what I have to say, so I shall get down to the results as quickly as possible.
I must say that as a scientist, it pains me to leave out an in-depth description of my methodology, but time is precious and already I can hear you screaming For God’s sake, the Results, man!! The Results!!
, so without further ado… behold the wonder of scientific discovery…
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17th March 2004, early afternoon | Comments (41)
Last night, as I was getting undressed for bed, I noticed that I had my Marks & Spencers underpants on back-to-front.
I’m pretty sure I hadn’t taken them off during the day (why would I?) which means I must have been walking around with back-to-front knickers on for about eighteen hours, and not noticed anything amiss…
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12th March 2004, mid-afternoon | Comments (32)
Tucson, Arizona, USA ~ April, 2002.
The company that provides cable and internet access to most of the homes in Tucson is called ‘Cox’. An unfortunate choice of name, in my opinion.
Their two big advertising campaigns are called: ‘Cox in your Home’ and ‘Cox on Demand’.
I picture the following boardroom scene…
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10th March 2004, early evening | Comments (20)
Tucson, Arizona, USA ~ April, 2002.
About 200 metres from Molly’s house in Tucson, her road is brought to an abrupt end as it meets the high banks of the Rillito river. Standing at this intersection you can look straight down into its dried bed, replete with scrub, discarded plastic chemical drums, and the odd abandoned car. A glance to the left, up stream, puts you face to face with the Catalina Mountains, while looking right affords a glimpse of an old Mormon adobe church, tucked away behind the trees…
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A collection of miscellaneous links that don't merit a main blog posting, but which are interesting none-the-less.
Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.— George W Bush (9)
Stuff from the intersection of design, culture and technology.(3)
A selection of blogs I read on a regular basis.