17th January 2004, late evening | Comments (21)
A few weeks ago a pod of over 1,500 dolphins was spotted off England’s south coast. While we’ve long known that dolphins, whales and sharks are regular visitors to our waters, I don’t think anyone had seen such large numbers here before. It must have been fabulous to be out in a small boat with them racing around you.
I was lucky enough to swim with wild dolphins in New Zealand a few years back and I’ll never forget it. Five o’clock in the morning, freezing, freezing water, no feeling in my hands or feet (well, except pain) and wave after wave of wonderful grey bodies, rolling and twisting and gliding around me.
We’d been told by the boat’s crew that as the dolphins we’d be meeting were wild, they wouldn’t stop and play unless they found us alluring. How do we manage to lure dolphins?
I asked. Sing to them,
came the reply. Sing to them?
Yup, sing through your snorkels. And if you do attract one he’ll swim around and around you, and it’s your job to keep up with him — keep turning and maintain eye contact. The minute you break eye contact, he’ll be off.
With those slightly puzzling instructions in mind, we set off to sea; every passenger leaning over the side of the boat, or standing on the benches, trying to be the first to spot the pod which traversed the bay at that time each day. I kept a look out as well:
Wave, wave, wave, bird, wave, dolphin, wave, w… Ooh! Oooh, its a fish thing! A dolphin! ISEEADOLPHIN!!
I shouted.
Bingo! Eagle Eye Orchard bags the first dolphins of the day. The boat altered course to intercept the pod, and we all bunged on our snorkels and masks.
The boat stops, everyone leaps into the water. Half of us leap straight back out with snorkeled-cries of Fuhing hell tha col!!
The skipper yells, You’re missing the dolphins, get back in there!
Good point.
So, back in the water, doggy paddle around to the front of the boat, hands and feet in agony, thinking Dolphinsdolphinsdolphins, think of the dolphinsdolphinsdolphins…
shout the crew.
Oh yes, I forgot about that.
And there we are. Ten people, in ten degree water, at five in the morning, heads down, scanning the gloom, all singing the theme to the Wombles, or Dallas, or Bohemian Rhapsody, and all trying to behave in a manner guaranteed to entice dolphins.
Show tunes soon gave way to muffled squeaks of excitement as out of the grey-green water came the pointy shapes of our potential dates. One moment there was nothing, the next: Dolphin City.
Uner grou oer grou, onguing ree, uh omles uh imulun ommon ah ee…
Come to me little dolphins, you like my song the best. Wombles are mammals too…
Sing, sing, sing.
Nothing. Not a glance. They swim in, they swam past. They were gone.
A mad rush, out the water, into the boat, get ahead of the pod, and back into the water, everyone silently cursing everyone else for driving the dolphins away with their sub-standard snorkel singing.
Time to change tactics. How about something watery?
Ah inin in a ain, uh inin in a ain, uh uh unuhull eeelin uh ha-ha-haee ahen…
Boof… out the gloom they appear again, and this time… Yes! They’re paying attention! I must smell of mackerel or something.
They’re swimming about a metre or so below the surface, so I duck down and get level with them. They seem to be everywhere except near me, how do I make them come closer?
But then suddenly there’s one right in front of me, swimming right to left, looking at me out the corner of his eye. I fanatically scrabble to keep up with him as he turns, dragging the water past me, desperately keeping eye contact.
Four turns, five turns, six turns, running out of air, it’s so cold my chest hurts, seven turns, eight turns, hey, I could touch him, he’s only about a metre away, nine turns, stretch out a hand, but he slides out of reach, ten turns, nearly lost him there, eleven turns, shit, gotta breathe, twelve turns, fuck me, I’m swimming with a dolphin, this is just the most amazing thing ever, thirteen tur-- nogottabreathe, whoosh! to the surface, AAAAAAH… YES!!! I SWAM WITH A DOLPHIN! HA HA!! DID YOU SEE ME? I AM DOLPHIN-BOY!
Oh yeah, dolphinsdolphinsdolphins…
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