6th January 2004, late morning | Comments (12)
So, I’m reading a book, a novel, and it’s a murder mystery. The characters are well written, the evil guy is very evil, and I’m rather enjoying it. It is designated my official Book To Read On The Loo for the time being.
But then, about halfway in, there are a few paragraphs that seem to exist for no reason other than to say Um, hello? Hello, you there, yes you, on the loo, reading this book, can you see me? Ah good, so, I just wanted to point out, that this scene is by way of being a flashing light and blaring horn to alert you to the fact that the nice chap is not a nice chap at all, but in fact a stone-cold killer with deep-rooted mental problems and… well blow me, it rather looks like he’s our killer. Now there’s a turn up for the books, eh? So, that’s the plot ruined for you, I’ll, er, I’ll be off now, things to do and so on. Cheerio!
So I sit there, extractor fan whirring away, and I wonder what to do. Do I give up now; do I read the remaining 200 pages thinking “Well this is a waste of time, I know what’s going to happen”; or do I carry on in the hope that I’ve been duped by a clever red herring? (Or do I do what I used to do when I was a kid and check the last page to see what happens?)
A bit of wall staring and head scratching and I made the decision to push on and finish the thing. Two hundred pages (and a seriously numb bottom) later, my fears were realised as the oh-it’s-obviously-him killer was unmasked to gasps of surprise (from the other characters in the book) and groans of annoyance (from me).
Very odd behaviour from an otherwise excellent author.
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Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.— George W Bush (9)
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