Post #109


4th January 2004, the wee hours | Comments (11)

I got an email a few weeks back from Mark Wubben saying he’d re-written NiceTitles, the JS script that provides the wee pop-ups on this (and many other) sites.

It looks like he’s done a very nice job (not that I know an awful lot about Javascript) and seems to have fixed many of the problems that people complained about before.

Go get a copy.

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Comments (11)

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  1. Jack:

    Well, the titles are certainly nicer... but I have never noticed them before until now. Are they a recent addition or have I been really ignorant?

    On an unrelated note, IE6.0/Win32 seems to render this page incorrectly (I'm mainly an Opera user though), the sidebar is placed just over the horizontal 'fold' so a scrollbar appears.

    Posted 6 hours, 4 minutes after the fact
    Inspired: ↓ Steven
  2. Steven:

    I just checked how this webpage displayed in IE6 on Windows XP and it displayed just fine. Nice work Dustan.

    I don't see much of a different between the boxes that are displayed, although it might be a big improvement in the Javascript code. I'm too busy to check it out right now but I will later on in the day.

    Posted 6 hours, 42 minutes after the fact
    Inspired by: ↑ Jack
    Inspired: ↓ Mark Wubben
  3. [m]:

    On XP/IE 6 the position problem om the nicetitles seems to be fixed now. That's great news. :)

    Posted 10 hours, 18 minutes after the fact
  4. Mark Wubben:

    Thanks for the link, Dunstan.

    Steven: "I don't see much of a different between the boxes that are displayed, although it might be a big improvement in the Javascript code."
    That was my intention :)

    Posted 12 hours, 52 minutes after the fact
    Inspired by: ↑ Steven
  5. Sian:

    Took me ages and ages to figure out what you were on about (no reflection on you it's just me being a bit slow).I just assumed they were a combination of semantic markup and CSS, it's quite interesting though as they are certainly eye catching. I'm learning a lot of things from this site, a lot.

    Out of interest the figures and letters showing up when you mouse of colophon etc, are they access keys?

    Posted 13 hours, 34 minutes after the fact
    Inspired: ↓ Steven
  6. Steven:

    Sian said "Out of interest the figures and letters showing up when you mouse of colophon etc, are they access keys?".

    Yes, the letters and numbers that show up inbetween the brackets [ and ] are the accesskeys for that link.

    Posted 13 hours, 53 minutes after the fact
    Inspired by: ↑ Sian
  7. Chris Clark:

    ie6/xp still seems to have some problem in the javascript. I am getting an object required error. with the debugger displaying this line
    document.getElementById('tab-bmarks').style.display = "none";

    Working on a brand new machine still not set up to my liking, windows installers firing up at the drop of a hat, this error started one, I dont know what for, but it couldnt find it and asked for a cd, nothing like cancel, cancel, cancel, and then again cancel to get my point across that I dont want anymore stuff installed. oh yeah, caused sharpreader to quit- wont be reading dunstans blog anymore today.

    Posted 1 day, 15 hours after the fact
    Inspired: ↓ Mark Wubben, ↓ Dunstan
  8. Mark Wubben:

    Hey Chris,

    that error does not come from the NiceTitles code. The problem is solved, though.

    Posted 1 day, 16 hours after the fact
    Inspired by: ↑ Chris Clark
    Inspired: ↓ Chris Clark
  9. Dunstan:

    Whoops, that was me being stupid and forgetting the file I was playing with was also affecting live pages.

    Sorry, all fixed now.

    Posted 1 day, 16 hours after the fact
    Inspired by: ↑ Chris Clark
    Inspired: ↓ Chris Clark
  10. Chris Clark:

    didnt mean to imply that it did, as you can perhaps tell, i was irritated that windows had taken that as an excuse to try and install more items on my computer. It has been one of those mondays. I started up Acrobat 6 and hit Cancel 8 times before it accepted that I didn't want to install Microsoft Journal Viewer.

    Thanks, and I lied I did come back, knowing you worked on the site quite a bit, I decided to see if all was fixed.

    on a continuing trend, anther Blog I read regularly, crashed sharpreader this morning, Why cant I have a Mac at work?

    Posted 1 day, 16 hours after the fact
    Inspired by: ↑ Mark Wubben, ↑ Dunstan
  11. Randy:

    Hey Dunstan, thanks for pointing this out to me :)

    Posted 3 days, 18 hours after the fact

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