Post #302

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Retro: La criada

5th April 2004, late evening | Comments (5)

Tucson, Arizona, USA ~ April, 2002.

Scene: Molly’s house.

A cleaning lady mopping the floor

Carmen The Maid came today, to give the house its weekly dust and polish. Not having had a cleaner before (not one I’ve paid anyway, eh mum?) I’ve no experience of the temptation to let everything go to ruin, knowing that in seven days someone will come and clear it all away again.

Molly and I had reached the point where the only clean dishes in the house were three soup spoons, a grapefruit segmenting tool and a turkey-baster. Shall I wash something up? I’d ask, No, Mol would say, Carmen comes in three days, she’ll do it then. Just improvise.

Today, thankfully, was Carmen Day, and before she arrived I wondered aloud if I should clear the table I worked at, so Carmen could clean it? No, said Molly, Carmen can clean around anything, don’t worry about it.

That doesn’t sound like a very good thing to say about a cleaner, if you ask me.

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Comments (5)

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  1. Jack:

    I'd like to see exactly what you improvised out of those 3 spoons, grapefruit thingy and the turkey-baster. Doesn't really sound like fine dining... especially for 3 days.

    I love that photo too. Did Carmen look remotely as happy as that when she had to clean your apartment? :D

    Posted 22 minutes after the fact
    Inspired: ↓ Dunstan
  2. Dunstan:

    She was like a Mexican Ginger Rogers, singing and dancing and hopping around tapping her feet together :o)

    They're good those photos aren't they? They're from a CD I have of old, black and white images. I just pop them into Photoshop and colour up the bits I want... adds a bit of sparkle to what would otherwise be a text-only post :o)

    Posted 59 minutes after the fact
    Inspired by: ↑ Jack
    Inspired: ↓ Martino
  3. Alistair:

    I thought I was bad at times with dishes around the house, but that takes the cake! I live with my partner and a friend whom I've known for years and a day, and every now and then I'll just leave the dishes to see if he'll do them.

    Unfortunately, that rarely happens and I end up doing them out of shear frustration. Incidently, his nickname is Mouse, he is a small bloke but fitting in more than one way ;)


    Posted 2 hours, 21 minutes after the fact
  4. Martino:

    "They're from a CD I have of old, black and white images"

    From whence did you procure such a fructiferous CD?


    Posted 17 hours, 26 minutes after the fact
    Inspired by: ↑ Dunstan
    Inspired: ↓ Dunstan
  5. Dunstan:

    I got it years (4?) ago from an image library called SuperStock. The collection is called 'Vintage'.

    I think I asked to get a CD with low-res images on for mock-up purposes.

    Posted 21 hours, 36 minutes after the fact
    Inspired by: ↑ Martino

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