11th January 2004, early afternoon | Comments (20)
Ever since my girlfriend broke up with me (back in January 2002) my cousin Kim has been telling me to watch the film, Swingers:
Now, Dunstan, stop crying for a moment and watch Swingers, it’ll totally change your perspective on this whole thing.
Look, we’ll get it out on video and it’ll make you feel so much better!
Right… Look! Shadow puppets! It’s a dog!Ruff Ruff…Meeow!
She did try, bless her.
Anyway, last night Swingers was on TV, so I sat down to watch it. After fifteen minutes I gave up in embarrassment: I could recognise an awful lot of my own behaviour in Jon Favreau’s character and it was cringeable.
I set the video and went off to bed.
This morning I made some tea and toast (hmm, time to try Philadelphia-on-toast again, haven’t had that since I was with Dom) and settled down to resume watching the film.
It really is very good.
I’m very much over my breakup, I’m not like the main character, and my friends aren’t like his friends, but I could certainly relate to the story. It managed to portray the whole situation wonderfully well.
By the end of the film I was dancing around to swing music (still in my dressing-gown), smiling my head off. I did 74 press-ups without stopping, I went and had a shower and a shave (I did little hoppity-skip things as I went up the stairs). If I lived near an airport I probably would have jumped on a plane to San Francisco.
Something in the film made me happy, and hopeful for the future.
So, if you’ve split up with your girlfriend and feel like nothing in this world can penetrate the shell of misery you’ve built around you, listen up: Go get Swingers out on video. It really will help.
And for God’s sake, stop that sobbing… Look! It’s a Bird In Flight! Coo, coo…
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