Comments by: Seth Thomas Rasmussen

The person you searched for (Seth Thomas Rasmussen) has authored 23 comments. They are shown below in reverse date-order, and grouped by the post they belong to:

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November 2004
Audio tape to MP3

Dunstan, what kind of comedy?

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Touchdown, Tim Mixon

They look like crazy footnauts! Great!

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October 2004
Die photos, die!

Well, cats and of course cat-based pornography.

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Eh, tell the anti-photo freaks to bugger off and write some code-oriented pieces themselves. You've given plenty to your audience.

I am biased though, as I am a huge fan of photography.…

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Hitler who?

Let's not forget who allows our airwaves to be permeated with shit like Street Smarts, though...

*cough* WE, THE PEOPLE... *cough*

Well... *you* the people. I gave up on TV a long time ago.

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Photoblog navigation woes

I should clarify:

The one with moving navigation is not exactly "fine", but... I can imagine a situation where your links are bound to the edges of the same container as the image. I dunno, it…

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I think all of them are fine. The one that places the links with respect to the image bounds is a bit frustrating, but might be what you want for your layout. A little movement isn't going to kill…

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Sweet September summer

Have you ever considered starting a photoblog?

You take some excellent shots, sir. I'd certainly enjoy a daily dose of Dunstan's eye. :)

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September 2004

"(on a serious note, this really does re-enforce the stereotype we see of America and its cops overseas)"

You make it sound like it's a different image when viewed from…

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That's nice, especially with the unaltered photo for comparison. Without it, I might have assumed "sin" was the end of a word, and then it's not as impressive. :)

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Rise of the kaddle

Where in Minnesota are you from? I can't speak for much of the state as a whole, but Minneapolis in particular has some excellent graffiti artists wandering about. There is a place called…

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Shooting things

I have a buddy that has asked me several times to come shoot with him. I want to do it someday.

Great write up, most boring video of all time. ;)

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Rubber ducks

Hold the phone... is "Burgerland" a name for the US?

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August 2004
Rubber ducks

I understand why you'd want RAW, John...

I was just trying to explain that I thought RAW was something other than a specific format.

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I don't even think my camera supports RAW. :( I'm not familiar with that, in fact. I thought when people used it, it more or less referred to "uncompressed" and retaining all the EXIF data, but I…

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28 years ago today

Despite the smug "Ahem...", I say Happy Birthday! ;) Nice photo work, that was a nice touch.

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July 2004
Redesign explained: tag transformations

Amazing stuff. I just glanced over this, but it looks like a lot of great information that I will enjoy digesting this weekend.

I enjoy your anal-attitude as I share it myself. On that note,…

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Summer garden

Daisies win!

I've never heard of or seen such a moth. I know we've got some basis for comparison, but exactly how big are those moths?

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April 2004
The world’s largest unexploded bomb

That's great stuff. hehe..

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Photo manipulation

oh, and on the record, i really dig your photos and website. :)

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heh. mr. pettitt said it succinctly enough to begin with. and actually, the rebuttal i prefer:

"From choosing and arranging the subject, the composition, your choice of lense, filters and film,…

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A good point, however, I actually started refusing to do any digital editing aside from resizing with my digital photos. And I was only touching the levels and color balance! To me, once you get…

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