The person you searched for (Dris) has authored 16 comments. They are shown below in reverse date-order, and grouped by the post they belong to:
Post | Comment |
Post | Comment |
January 2004 | |
A scientific weather garden | Haha... Nice one. I actually have an idea of my own, but I don't know where to get feeds for presidential polls... Yes, I have malcontent. [view in situ] |
How I got involved in web development | I was always interested in computers. I met a friend who was also interested, and just about as competent. We decided to make a website. Well, that site never really got off the ground, as we… [view in situ] |
Adding in tabs, blogmarks and a blogroll | Ahh... I love it when you add new features to your blog. It's always so cool. I do agree that the bullets are a little subtle... But the color is nice. I would add a small circle outline,… [view in situ] |
Swingers | Haven't had a recent break-up, but I'm going to have to watch that movie. Future reference. :) [view in situ] |
An ASP version of time_since | Quite useful. I never really liked looking at dates on blogs and other periodically-oriented sites. However, a function like time_since never occurred to me... [view in situ] |
Friendly error handling | Woohoo! I like! Hmm... just noticed the Increase/Decrease size under the textarea. Doesn't work on Safari, I'm afraid... Anyways, nice error pages! [view in situ] |
On a slow safari to Dunstan-ville | I always kinda figured it was something with your weather script, but I knew you were smarter than that. ;) [view in situ] |
December 2003 | |
Foggy morning | Loverly pictures! Just loverly! :) [view in situ] |
Bandwidth theft and flame-bait | That's the funniest method of thwarting hot-linkers ever. And I love the eloquent phrasing: "Numerous men and a hard-working lady." Priceless. As far as the morons go, there's not much you can… [view in situ] |
Playdo people | Hahaha! That's great! Now I want to go get some playdo. [view in situ] |
Calendars | Hmm... Well, I haven't thought this through, so I'm likely to get hurt, but here goes... If the calendar method of organizing your posts is useless, wouldn't the permalinks (which are based on… [view in situ] |
Be nice to sheep | That reminds me, I had an idea for a design that would be littered (in a somewhat orderly way) with tiny pixel people doing their thing. I never thought about applying the current weather and time… [view in situ] |
Dunstan, you never fail to make me laugh. From the Naked/Super Dunstan technologies logo to "Hug the Cookie Monster" to the sheep in that weather image... Accordingly, you're a nutter. :) By… [view in situ] |
Who and where | Awesome. I was actually planning to add a similar feature to my own blog (like all entries related to "Sarah", for instance). I'm wondering exactly how you approached it (which I assume you… [view in situ] |
Apples and pears | Wow! Who'da thunk? [view in situ] |
November 2003 | |
A visual guide to navigating blog comments | Very intuitive system. However, it may yet be a little confusing. As a preference, I would simplify it by "grouping" comments together and listing them chronologically instead of the… [view in situ] |
A collection of miscellaneous links that don't merit a main blog posting, but which are interesting none-the-less.
Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.— George W Bush (9)
Stuff from the intersection of design, culture and technology.(3)
A selection of blogs I read on a regular basis.