12th February 2004, the wee hours | Comments (29)
I feel I ought to point out that my recent WaSP buzz regarding Great Britain’s excellence in the railway department was, how can I say, a ‘touch ironic’.
Unfortunately not everyone understood that, and as a consequence my inbox is filling up with emails like this one *:
Jesus Christ, you fucking Brits! Think you built the whole fuckin’ World don’t you!? Well lemmie tell you something: America knew how to build a goddamn’ railway!
Try laying tracks across five frickin’ temperate zones with nothing but a bag of jerky and the love of your Country’s flag to defend you at night.
Try having to deal with godamned Chinese workers all godamned day!
WORK YOU LITTLE BASTARDS!you shout,WORK!!, putting up with their yapping and their stupid hats. Try wielding a whip for 12 hours a day. Try kicking chinks up the ass 50 times every hour. Now THAT’S tiring, now THAT’s working!! But by God that’s what our forefathers did! I don’t see you pompous pricks putting up with shit like that to build your pissant railroad!!WE built our nation’s rail system using nothing but our BARE HANDS (and the bare hands of Chinese and other immigrant workers), rolling naked in the dust, using our own sweat (and the sweat of Chinese and other immigrant workers) to congeal America’s great dust into mud to form foundations for the tracks, while you goddamn sumbitches only have to stick a few miles of rails around your poxy little island, AND YOU HAVE THE NERVE TO SAY YOU’RE ‘WORLD FAMOUS’ FOR IT!?!? FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!
A slightly calmer email came from Germany:
Ven I utilized zer railvay system ov your country I vas nicht impressen vis zer punctuality!! In Germany zer drivers vould have been shot for zis lacsidasical attitude. May I surggestenstrater zat you correct your attitude, Herr Orchard!
Well Mr America, and Herr Flick, I’m not arguing.
We’re crap at railways.
Everyone knows it.
We used to be good at building them when we had an empire, but someone seems to have lost the manual around 1960, and since then everything that falls under the umbrella of UK Transport has been rubbish.
Oh, woe is us.
*OK, not at all like that one, I made both those up, but still people seemed to be a bit annoyed and insistent that their rail networks were better than ours. I'm sure they are. Irony, people, irony!
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