Posts for the 25th November 2003 (3 entries)

Javascript image captions

25th November 2003, late at night | Comments (6)

I’ve been going a bit Javascript-mad recently. Usually I steer well clear of the stuff, but since the blockquote incident I’ve rather had it on the brain.

Along the same lines as the blockquote script, I came up with the idea for presenting title data as captions for images…

View this post in full (121 words).

Talking of Daisy

25th November 2003, early evening | Comments (1)

I was just having a nose through the Web, as is my wont, when I stumbled across a comment I’d left at a friend’s site

View this post in full (85 words, 1 image).

XML feed moving to new location

25th November 2003, mid-afternoon | Comments (8)

Just to let you know that I’m going to be swapping my XML feed to a new location. Sorry to be a pain, but this change will let me offer further syndication options at a later date if needed.

So, where’s it moving to? Well there’ll be four RSS formats on offer at the following locations (in fact, they’re there now, so why not swap over today):

A page explaining the feeds, and detailing any future syndication options, will appear at ~/blog/syndicate/, but I can’t put that up until I kill off the old XML feed, as the addresses are the same.

I’ll be making the change at the end of the week (on 2003-11-30).

Stupidity on my part, so once again, my humblest apologies *bow*.