The person you searched for (Mike) has authored 12 comments. They are shown below in reverse date-order, and grouped by the post they belong to:
Post | Comment |
Post | Comment |
March 2005 | |
Bowling over 200 | Very good job Dunstan! A 202 is excellent - especially after only bowling a few games in your life. It took me over 12 years to get my first 200. If you like the game, you should stick with it. … [view in situ] |
November 2004 | |
Berkeley versus Arizona | Every time I check out your weblog, you're always taking pics of guys' asses ;) ZING!!! [view in situ] |
September 2004 | |
Shoes on a wire | The shoes over the electrical/telephone wire thing is a very common drug dealer's mark in the US, has been for many years. You'll see it everywhere, from large cities (New York, Chicago, LA,… [view in situ] |
June 2004 | |
At Safeway deli counter | fwiw, sounds a lot like "a little bit", story of my life anyway, moving from 95% native iowa to silicon valley, you gain a new appreciation for clear annunciation [view in situ] |
Saucer of milk for table three | that's like my life story [view in situ] |
Haha, I love it! Why is it that every time I overhear some openly gay guys talking, the conversation always sounds like that? No flames!!! I'm just jokin' around!!!! :) [view in situ] |
A quick note to the man standing beside me in the queue for the toilets last Saturday | Yea, down here in socal we call that a 'dickout'. Usually reserved as punishment for failure to drive your golf ball past the ladies tees, I fail to see how it applys here. Gotta love nocal. … [view in situ] |
May 2004 | |
Distressed gentlefolk of Dorset | I used to remember the advertisements for the Distressed Gentlefolk's Aid Association--clearly not a charity for the riff raff. Even in poverty and old age class distinctions matter. Vicarage Gate,… [view in situ] |
Senses | My favorite sound is when my golf ball hits the bottom of the flag stick and jiggles around the cup, then drops down into the hole. My least favorite sound is the ring my cellphone was… [view in situ] |
Being single | Wow man, that post was the coolest shit I've read in any blog in a really freakin' long time! Your situation is analogous to my current situation, and reading this really put a smile on my face… [view in situ] |
April 2004 | |
Retro: Adventures on Speedway Boulevard | And here I am ax murder in the making
We don't have the riff-raff
It's hard for the non-high… [view in situ] |
January 2004 | |
Aaargh! My eyes! | "Dunstan! Dunstan! We love you,--" mmm, perhaps not... site rocks though, can't argue with that! [view in situ] |
A collection of miscellaneous links that don't merit a main blog posting, but which are interesting none-the-less.
Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.— George W Bush (9)
Stuff from the intersection of design, culture and technology.(3)
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