Comments by: Huphtur

The person you searched for (Huphtur) has authored 8 comments. They are shown below in reverse date-order, and grouped by the post they belong to:

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May 2004
The making of a Hollywood car chase

good luck finding a fiat punto in usa.

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March 2004
Retro: Ordering food in America

Check out Burger King's "Have it Tour Way" marketing campaign:

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Putting your underwear on backwards

Time to bust out the old Kris Kross CDs again?…

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February 2004
Snow, by torchlight

dunstert, you ever seen this:

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Grrr, hear me roar

whateffer happened to gemma?
we demand an update!

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January 2004
Cutting your own hair

here's my hair cutting test result:

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A few problems with

they should also try to simplify the markup of the sidebar.…
(make sure your logged in)

it's loaded with <div> tags!

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December 2003
Foggy morning

fog photos are SO hot right now:

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