Posts for the 8th April 2004 (2 entries)


8th April 2004, late evening | Comments (30)

I didn’t think I’d ever be able to do it, but today I looked through some photos of my ex-girlfriend, Dominique…

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Tidying up

8th April 2004, early evening | Comments (26)

I’ve spent that last three days trying to sort out and back up my photo collection. It might not sound like a big job, but when you have 50 gigabytes of images, spread out over a four year period, it takes a while to figure out what’s what. I’m expecting to be stuck with the task for at least another two days, and God knows how long the actual DVD burning is going to take…

Anyway, in the process of sorting through everything I’ve stumbled upon a few photos that I thought I’d share. The collection isn’t terribly coherent, but it’s better than nowt…

View this post in full (173 words, 17 images).