7th February 2004, late at night | Comments (21)
I’ve just been watching an old home movie from my university days (1997). It was about two hours long and contained a variety of things: some sporting action, some talking with friends, some general messing about.
Bits of it made me smile, bits of it made me laugh, and bits of it made me curl up with embarrassment at my 20-year old self:
Oh, it’s me talking to Gemma on my bed. My God I fancied that girl…
Who are you living with next year, hon?
Um, with Chris, Mike and James.
Who are they?
Just friends. ’Cept I’ve got a crush on Chris, so it could be a bit awkward.
Oh. Which one’s he?
Chris is the tall one with…
Yeah, with the stupid hair.
Oh. Well, I don’t think it’s stupid.
Well it is. It’s stupid. He looks like a nob…
ARGH! DON’T BE SO OBVIOUS! CHEER UP! Oh my God, why did she ever talk to me!?…
Anyway, back in 1997 I edited the two hours of footage down to about ten minutes, added in suitable credits and soundtrack, and then recorded it onto a new tape. The finished tape was leant to a friend, the friend refused to return it, and all my editing work was lost.
However, at the end of this original tape I found a few minutes of film where I’d pretended to be the MGM Lion, replete with stick-on whiskers and cardboard ears.
I think you’ll agree, even from these stills, that my performance was a powerful one.
So just for the record, if that Lion ever dies and MGM decide they’d like a new look; I’m free, and I’m pretty darn good. Make a note.
Update: The lion is already dead! MGM bigwigs, I am waiting for your call…
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