27th November 2003, the wee hours | Comments (16)
My parents are good people. They’ve always looked after my brother and I, made sure we had the best of everything (or the worst, depending on which character trait they were building in us that week), and they’ve always backed us in all that we did.
I used to think of them as well-rounded people, more interested in our happiness than how we’re fairing in the rat race. But recently I’ve noticed a mercenary glint in my mother’s eye.
It seems that whatever news I bring her — the completion of a challenging script; the news that my traffic here has increased by 3,000%; my joining WaSP; whatever — the first words out of her mouth are, Yes, but will it earn you any money?
Fair enough, you might think, I live in her house, I eat her food, the woman’s probably desperate for me to accumulate the funds necessary for a swift exit to a place of my own. But still, every time… It kind of gets you down.
It was, therefore, with a slightly Capitalist eye that I perused my server stats this week. Was there a trend to exploit? Was there a pattern to be found? Were 40,000 people a month coming to my site looking for fashionable headware for their cats? If so I could fill that gap, and tell my mother, Yes, woman, I will earn some money from it! I will be the Cat Hat King of Western Europe!
So, what did I find? What am I doing well at, vis à vie Google? Well, here’s a list of search terms people have used to find me, and with them my Google site rankings (.com/.co.uk) as of today:
So, I’m wondering, what’s your best, but strangest Google ranking for?
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A collection of miscellaneous links that don't merit a main blog posting, but which are interesting none-the-less.
Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.— George W Bush (9)
Stuff from the intersection of design, culture and technology.(3)
A selection of blogs I read on a regular basis.