Rebecca Milot-Bradford

The person you searched for (Rebecca Milot-Bradford) was found in 2 posts. The first mention of this person in each post has been highlighted for you:

  1. Pickled Peppers

    18th February 2004 | Comments (13)

    …Didn’t I write something about that a while back? Now, where would I have put it? Ah yes, here it is… I left a message on Becky’s answer phone once, pretending to be a Pickled Pepper salesman. Here’s what I said (imagine a drawl from the southern US): Good…

  2. Talk Like A Pirate Day

    19th September 2003 | Comments (5)

    So, it’s TLAPD today. It’s also the day Becky and I realised we hadn’t written each other poems for ages. A little scratching of the head over dinner and this was produced in…