Comments by: Zach

The person you searched for (Zach) has authored 5 comments. They are shown below in reverse date-order, and grouped by the post they belong to:

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July 2004
Version 2

I cannot tell you how incredibly beautiful and inspiring your site is. You have made this site a masterpiece. Awesome Job!

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Laptops as social aids

For me, it's a college thing, which I need to buy now. Either I go down the dark path and continue my Windows XP usage with a PC laptop, or put out the bucks to get an Apple Powerbook. I have…

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Looks like the Powerbook is in Neutral Mid-Cycle. Why wait? I'll go get one now... well, the money issue...

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November 2003
Shhh, it’s a secret

I'm lost on what this secret blog is supposed to have for content? Why keep it updated if people only find it in error, and that does not happen often for me?

Just a little confused on the…

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Increase my what?

I get this exact same email. It's kinda funny, isn't it?

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