Comments by: Will

The person you searched for (Will) has authored 5 comments. They are shown below in reverse date-order, and grouped by the post they belong to:

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March 2005
Dynamic @import CSS files using PHP

I had been looking for an example like this when I got my theory of "can i use php in a css file" bright idea thing. Turns out I was right, and this page has helped me demonstrate it.

My blog…

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November 2004
Solving CSS problems for Mozilla Europe

I knew I wasn't paying enough attention... now (after looking at the source of the demo) I understand your situation. You've got a very nice solution here.

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Re: "Let me say that once again for clarity: somehow I needed to make position: absolute; top: ##px; target the bottom-left corner of the <ul> box… but that’s not possible, is…

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January 2004
When chickens don’t eat enough grit

We feed back to the chickens we had all their egg shells (after crushing) and their shells sometimes where so thick you could drop the egg off of the kitchen counter and they would not break. We…

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December 2003
Foggy morning

Dunstan -- great pics. Especially the one that included the horse. The pastel color version grabs my eye a little more than the b&w version.

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