The person you searched for (Richard) has authored 12 comments. They are shown below in reverse date-order, and grouped by the post they belong to:
Post | Comment |
Post | Comment |
August 2004 | |
Facts from Oliver Letwin | Emotion makes us human, sex is more fun than chess: yes, I couldn't agree more :-) Intelligence also makes us human. Intelligence is not a by-product of our emotions, it's something separate,… [view in situ] |
OK, fair enough. Thanks for telling me about these things - I obviously need to look into it all a bit more. I'm not sure the UK people "want all their service as cheaply as possible" - we are… [view in situ] |
If 'they' were a private company we'd be a lot worse off. Private companies exist to make a profit, and they therefore won't _do_ unprofitable things. Looking after the running of a country, which… [view in situ] |
I agree - this is another nail in the coffin of this useful list of 'facts'. Not only are the descriptions of the stats dodgy, but some of the things the stats are _about_ are vague. Of course,… [view in situ] |
I thought the original post topic was pretty interesting... now we're into "God I hate this country" mode, and other subjects entirely. (Observant, eh?) [view in situ] |
Dunstan Wow, record breaking posts :-) Pleased to meet you. True, it's important and worthwhile to raise these things. Hats off to you for sticking it all on your fine blog to talk about. But… [view in situ] |
Robert - I want to properly apologise: I take back what I said about that paragraph of yours. I kind of deliberately ignored the full-stop, there. It was just an odd order to put things in (you… [view in situ] |
I have to get a minor rant out of my system. Robert says "I can't stand politics" - but you don't mean that, do you? Politics isn't the problem, cos here we all are, wanting to talk about it and… [view in situ] |
Swallows and Frogs | Yeah, I noticed that as soon as I'd posted... sorry :-/ Toads, frogs... nevermind, eh? :-) [view in situ] |
Great stuff, Dunstan, as usual. You can almost hear their jet engines :-) And Turnip: toads aren't frogs, and frogs aren't toads. Frogs and toads are both in the order Anura, which means they're… [view in situ] |
January 2004 | |
Swimming with dolphins | Wow, tis quite amazing the number of kiwis that pop up from the undergrowth. A lovely story of frigid waters and sleek mammals from down home. Makes me miss it all the more. Mind you cow… [view in situ] |
November 2003 | |
Easy CSS drop shadows | I ran into a problem in IE6 that if the start of the text (for the decorative image setup) ran on straight after the close DIV ([/DIV]Hello World), then the left-padding was applied to the first… [view in situ] |
A collection of miscellaneous links that don't merit a main blog posting, but which are interesting none-the-less.
Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.— George W Bush (9)
Stuff from the intersection of design, culture and technology.(3)
A selection of blogs I read on a regular basis.