The person you searched for (Jeremy C. Wright) has authored 2 comments. They are shown below in reverse date-order, and grouped by the post they belong to:
Post | Comment |
Post | Comment |
November 2003 | |
Googley woogley | Oh goodness, I've really really lost track. I wish I was still running AW-Stats so I could dig a little deeper. Certainly some I've blogged on like Honda's Cog commercial. Others I haven't (like… [view in situ] |
Nice Titles revised | Hey, I'm not sure if I'll use this on my site or not, however there are some bugs to this it seems. I'm on XP Pro (patched) running IE6 (patched) and get some buggy behaviour for links in the… [view in situ] |
A collection of miscellaneous links that don't merit a main blog posting, but which are interesting none-the-less.
Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.— George W Bush (9)
Stuff from the intersection of design, culture and technology.(3)
A selection of blogs I read on a regular basis.