Comments by: Jake

The person you searched for (Jake) has authored 4 comments. They are shown below in reverse date-order, and grouped by the post they belong to:

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Post Comment
October 2004

Nice Shot Dunstan, you have any good tips for compressing large photos (like yours) for the web?

As always, Good Stuff.


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Baseball batter at Oakland Coliseum

Awesome pic Dunstan, your photo's never cease to amaze me.
Good Stuff


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September 2004
Shooting things

Hmm... That's an interesting post compared to normal. I dunno if I'd ever do something like that more than once. The first part reminded me of what it was like to be a kid. I think I used to carry…

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February 2004
Firefox errors and Firebird extensions

Aaaaahhhhh! So much better. Thank you kind sir.

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