The person you searched for (Chris Neale) has authored 12 comments. They are shown below in reverse date-order, and grouped by the post they belong to:
Post | Comment |
Post | Comment |
November 2004 | |
Solving CSS problems for Mozilla Europe | Well in Opera/7.50 Linux it looks fine. [view in situ] |
May 2004 | |
The curious case of the footloose footwear | add 'where' wherever you like : ] [view in situ] |
Footware / footwear ? Or come to that 'footwhere' - the state of not knowing one's feet are. : ) [view in situ] |
March 2004 | |
When I was… | Dunston should know better - trusting an en-US spellchecker Haemorrhage ... Campaign for English Spelling [view in situ] |
February 2004 | |
Snow, at last | I thought it was berk with an 'e' : P and fluorescent [view in situ] |
Pickled Peppers | 'palettes' : ] [ just as well I didn't put spelling : ) ] [view in situ] |
is that palates, or pallettes or pallets ? pronunciation and punctuation pedant emeritus [view in situ] |
Poppies everywhere | Grammar Fascism : "Poppy's everywhere" Poppy IS everywhere : P [view in situ] |
Firefox errors and Firebird extensions | UK mirror :… note: newbies + Fx + TBE = trouble I do without the bloat of TBE, TBP is quite adequate, plus TabWarning and of course my own stuff : ) [view in situ] |
Poppy and the deer | do dogs pick up 'sents' or scents ? [view in situ] |
Dynamic @import CSS files using PHP | perhaps having a real name helps ? P01 suggested :…
whereas I was authoratitive :… [view in situ] |
January 2004 | |
A scientific weather garden | you don't use php to parse .css you have a .php file with css declarations, and a header(); e.g. <?php header('Content-type: text/css'); ?> a {
body {
A collection of miscellaneous links that don't merit a main blog posting, but which are interesting none-the-less.
Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.— George W Bush (9)
Stuff from the intersection of design, culture and technology.(3)
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