Comments by: Brian Gilham

The person you searched for (Brian Gilham) has authored 7 comments. They are shown below in reverse date-order, and grouped by the post they belong to:

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February 2005
I am a kitten

Let's add a fourth.

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January 2005
A short film of the puppies at 13-days old

Thank you for just making my day. That one comment just made me laugh for about 5 minutes straight.

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A short film of the week-old puppies

I too imagined a different Dunstan accent.

Cute puppies, nice video too.

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Lotty and Dotty

I don't know, some of the boy-dogs might find it attractive...better watch out!

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How's mom doing in all of this?

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Poppy has puppies

I, too, was wondering about this.

The only time I've ever seen a puppy being born was when I saw 101 Dalmatians. Sad, I know.

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A new job

Congrats on the new job.

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