Comments by: Adrian

The person you searched for (Adrian) has authored 6 comments. They are shown below in reverse date-order, and grouped by the post they belong to:

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July 2004
Laptops as social aids

To imagine what they must have been thinking during their performance! "What's up with that fellow?! Hunched over that thing with the eerie light reflecting off his face. <pause> Let's see…

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Barbequing with the rich and famous

May those who feel ignorance continue to be blissful? (kinda hokey)

or, or..

All who read this blog are great and fun people! (uh... Does that sound a tad reflective?) Yah, you who is on the…

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Haha... something of a similar note:

When we mention "where/what/how is Canada" to our fellow friends south of the border (US), those who 'know of' us will probably say that we're friendly…

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June 2004
At Safeway deli counter, part two

Haha.. beautiful! I'm starting to love this deli woman. What's even better is that I'm imagining this happening at my own local Safeway down the block!

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May 2004
Glamour, 24/7

I must say, this is notably another one of those great "Dunstan moments".

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A shared language

Have you noticed how US 'Hello, how are you?' equates to Brit 'Hello'?

Maybe that's just a Texas thing. But I was forever thinking people wanted to start a conversation with me, when they were…

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