Post #351

Some photos of home

1st April 2004, mid-afternoon | Comments (40)

I thought I'd show you were I sleep and work. Fascinating, I know.

Dunstan's bedroom
Ma chambre
Dunstan's desk
Mon bureau

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  1. Andreas:

    So you're not only doing press-ups, heh?

    It's always interesting to have a look in other people's homes. You seem to be a very tidy person.

    And: the atmosphere over Britain seems to be quite aggressice lately ;-)

    Posted 11 minutes after the fact
    Inspired: ↓ Dunstan
  2. Dunstan:

    It's the same every April the 1st, the damn RAF think it'd be funny to bomb us. The first year, yes, it was a bit of a laugh, but after that it's just become tiresome.

    Ooh, gotta go, here comes another one! *hides under the desk*

    Posted 21 minutes after the fact
    Inspired by: ↑ Andreas
  3. Alistair:

    Looks like you are going to have to purchase some larger weights Dunstan.
    No more room left for future expansion ;)


    Posted 33 minutes after the fact
    Inspired: ↓ Web
  4. [m]:


    you really need a fish-eye lens. No, really.

    Posted 1 hour, 17 minutes after the fact
    Inspired: ↓ Dunstan, ↓ Colin
  5. Zelnox:

    Poor sheeps. (;_;)

    That book shelf over the head of the bed looks ominously loaded. Hehe. And is the PC next to the bath tub?

    Posted 1 hour, 33 minutes after the fact
    Inspired: ↓ Dunstan
  6. Jonathan Batchelor:

    Is it me, or is your office in a bath/shower room? :o)

    Posted 1 hour, 34 minutes after the fact
    Inspired: ↓ Dunstan
  7. Web:

    I dont see a desk chair ... is that what the unusually large medicne ball under the desk is for?

    Posted 1 hour, 35 minutes after the fact
    Inspired by: ↑ Alistair
    Inspired: ↓ Dunstan
  8. Jon Hicks:

    Love the new header illustration! Achtung!! Achtung!!!

    As for posting images of your bedroom on the web, well you're going to attract certain nutters for sure...

    Posted 1 hour, 39 minutes after the fact
    Inspired: ↓ Dunstan
  9. Gleek:

    hahahaha! the RAF is certainly taking a toll on the local farmers. the sheep don't seem to mind though.

    Posted 1 hour, 42 minutes after the fact
  10. Dunstan:

    Re. fish-eye lens: tell me about it. I plan to get one when I'm in the States, and prices are lower...

    Posted 1 hour, 50 minutes after the fact
    Inspired by: ↑ [m]
  11. Dunstan:

    It's our computer room, and it's the one room in the house we've never redecorated.

    The last people to live here (20 years ago!) installed a very odd fish pond thing in the corner (those blue tiles) with a horrible gold lion's head that spouts water.

    We've never used it, but then, we've never taken it out either. Instead of water and fish it currently holds:

    [1] My mum's spinning wheel.
    [2] A very old Underwood typewriter.
    [3] All my excess computer wires.

    It's horrible :o)

    Posted 1 hour, 54 minutes after the fact
    Inspired by: ↑ Zelnox, ↑ Jonathan Batchelor
  12. Dunstan:

    Yes, the ball is my chair. Actually, I have two chairs, I have the ball and also one of those 'praying' chairs, where you sort of sit and kneel at the same time.

    The ball can be found at:

    Posted 1 hour, 59 minutes after the fact
    Inspired by: ↑ Web
  13. Dunstan:

    Well, you're already here, Jon, so I figured it couldn't get any worse ;o)

    Posted 2 hours, 2 minutes after the fact
    Inspired by: ↑ Jon Hicks
  14. Tony:

    Hey Dunstan. Would you recommend the Gymnic Ball seat? I've gone through quite a few different chairs in an attempt to get a better posture at the computer (including the pray type), but haven't hit upon the perfect one yet. It's probably just me, but I haven't found anything that's actively persuaded me to stop slouching for extended periods which I seem to gravitate to. I'd not thought about using one of those exercise balls until now, but maybe I should give it a whirl?

    Lovely Fool's Header btw, although, was I a sheep, I think I'd be huddled conference stylie as they sometimes do!

    Posted 3 hours, 39 minutes after the fact
    Inspired: ↓ Dunstan
  15. Markku:

    Dunstan, I really love the way you make those photo-montages! You should teach us how it's done. :)

    Posted 3 hours, 42 minutes after the fact
    Inspired: ↓ Dunstan
  16. Dunstan:

    Tony, I do like the gym ball, and it's been really good for my back - when I use it properly.

    The problem is that I can't get close enough to my desk to sit on it correctly 100% of the time, so I end up swapping between that and the kneeling chair.

    They're pretty cheap though, so I'd give it a go (get the super pump as well).

    re. sheep - yeah, I was in a rush :o/

    Posted 5 hours, 29 minutes after the fact
    Inspired by: ↑ Tony
  17. Dunstan:

    Markku, they're easy - just take a whole bunch of photos of something, then slap them all into one Photoshop document and overlay them until you're happy with the result.

    (Sometimes you might want to rotate one of the pics to make it fit in better.)

    They look messy, and you can see the joins, but that's part of the charm :o)

    Posted 5 hours, 32 minutes after the fact
    Inspired by: ↑ Markku
    Inspired: ↓ Markku
  18. Nicole:


    Posted 5 hours, 40 minutes after the fact
    Inspired: ↓ Dunstan
  19. Dunstan:

    It used to be orange, now it's just-the-orange-side-of-yellow.

    Very nice when the sun comes in in the morning - everything glows :o)

    Posted 6 hours, 8 minutes after the fact
    Inspired by: ↑ Nicole
  20. Brad:

    Very cool. What did you use to take the pictures and put them together like that? Love the site also, first port!

    Posted 8 hours, 24 minutes after the fact
  21. Alistair:


    I see you have a little pressup/pushup counter on the front page. For you, is that where you lay on your stomach and push yourself up with your arms? They get called different things in different places. I'm wondering if your 'press up' is what you use your barbell for. How many kg/lb is on that by the way ;)


    Posted 9 hours, 45 minutes after the fact
    Inspired: ↓ Dunstan
  22. Dunstan:

    "where you lay on your stomach and push yourself up with your arms" - that's right, we call it a 'press-up' here, and in the US it's a 'push-up'.

    The bar is used for bar-curls (with some of those smaller weights taken off) and various over things (with all the weights on), such as squats. I also put it on a bench and do bench-press (where you lie on your back and push the bar into the air and then back towards your chest).

    As for how much it is... it's 100lbs (45kgs) with everything on. I take about 30lbs (13.6kgs) off to do the bar curls (3 sets of 7-10 reps).

    Posted 9 hours, 54 minutes after the fact
    Inspired by: ↑ Alistair
  23. Alistair:

    Very groovy, they are 'push ups' here in Australia as well.

    I am quietly working towards benching my bodyweight at the gym now. I go over every day or every second day with my housemate. Made my sets on 82.5kg on Wednesday, so quite happy. Only another 20kg to go :)

    Posted 9 hours, 59 minutes after the fact
    Inspired: ↓ Dunstan
  24. Dunstan:


    I'm terribly unfit really - I'm blessed with a good physique that seems to withstand anything I throw at it (like sitting in front of a computer for 18hrs a day), but I'm no-where near being fit or strong.

    Lack of motivation is my problem, the only thing that brings it out in me is, I'm ashamed to say, girls. And as there aren't any girls in Leigh, there isn't any motivation :o/

    But bravo on the bench press though, keep it going!

    p.s. I have a v.good bench press story that I must write here one day.

    Posted 10 hours, 5 minutes after the fact
    Inspired by: ↑ Alistair
  25. Alistair:

    Well don't be shy, we are on the topic of it at the moment >:)

    I always love seeing the idiots at the gym who bust their arse with a mate who is meant to be 'spotting' them. When in reality the 'spotter' is actually lifting 30% of the weight. I can't help but smirk everytime i see it.

    Posted 10 hours, 10 minutes after the fact
  26. Markku:

    You mean you do it that way? Wow, that's a lot of patience man!

    I thought you were using some kind of panorama/stitching tool to get the images to line up much easier.

    I'll give it a try. :)

    Posted 17 hours, 25 minutes after the fact
    Inspired by: ↑ Dunstan
    Inspired: ↓ Dunstan
  27. Neal:


    I'm a fellow 'Dorset Boy', and have been enjoying your site for a while now. I thought you might be interested in a photo-related site I found the other day by a bloke who's made a gigapixel image (

    I'm sure you could create some amazing versions of your own. :)

    Posted 19 hours, 30 minutes after the fact
    Inspired: ↓ Dunstan
  28. Dunstan:

    I do use a merging program for some things (in fact, the 'office' one was done with a merging program), but the other ones, the messy, complex ones, I just do by hand.

    The program I use is just the default Canon one that comes with their cameras, but I've recently downloaded The Panorama Factory, to give that a go, and it looks to be amazing:

    Posted 19 hours, 50 minutes after the fact
    Inspired by: ↑ Markku
  29. Marq:

    Dunstan, what are those objects located in the ceiling by the light above your bed? I can only assume they are quarters. Or whatever crazy monetary equivalent you have over them thar seas. (P.S., pence is a funny word.)

    Posted 21 hours, 16 minutes after the fact
    Inspired: ↓ Dunstan
  30. Phil Baines:

    ARGH! I missed the April Fools header!

    Any chance of a link to see it?

    Posted 21 hours, 53 minutes after the fact
    Inspired: ↓ Dunstan
  31. Dunstan:


    Posted 22 hours, 28 minutes after the fact
    Inspired by: ↑ Phil Baines
  32. Dunstan:

    Those things on the ceiling are actually what started the whole post - they're glow in the dark stars, and you stick them on your ceiling when you're a kid :o)

    I was lying in bed looking at them yesterday morning and they got me thinking about a whole bunch of things and the outcome was me taking a photo of my bedroom.

    Posted 22 hours, 36 minutes after the fact
    Inspired by: ↑ Marq
    Inspired: ↓ Tim, ↓ Marq, ↓ Stefan
  33. Dunstan:

    Thanks Neal, I've seen that before - amazing isn't it?

    Posted 22 hours, 37 minutes after the fact
    Inspired by: ↑ Neal
  34. Tim:

    Hey - we've got those stars on our ceiling as well. They're great. We have planets too, but they don't glow as much...

    Posted 1 day after the fact
    Inspired by: ↑ Dunstan
    Inspired: ↓ Stefan
  35. Marq:

    Great googly moogly, I had those stars too, only I also had planets, and comets, and I had this ALF poster in which I decided to stick them on, and I was sad later in life because it ruined an awesome poster.

    Posted 1 day, 11 hours after the fact
    Inspired by: ↑ Dunstan
    Inspired: ↓ Stefan
  36. Sverrir:

    I take it that the RAF has cut back on it modern warplanes and brought the classic ones back from the 'ford museums ;)
    Mustang and a clipped wing Spitfire by the looks of it?

    Posted 2 days, 2 hours after the fact
  37. Colin:

    do you have a desktop machine hidden somewhere behind the desk or do you do all of your work on the laptop with the external display?

    Posted 2 days, 11 hours after the fact
    Inspired by: ↑ [m]
    Inspired: ↓ Dunstan
  38. Dunstan:

    Everything runs off the laptop, Colin. Though I am connected to my parents' desktop machine, and that's where all my MP3s sit.

    It's a Dell Inspiron 8100 before anyone asks, and the screen is a Samsung SyncMaster 181T (18in) :o)

    Posted 2 days, 18 hours after the fact
    Inspired by: ↑ Colin
  39. Stefan:

    I also have some glow-in-the-dark stars, wich I found when cleening up the addic. (Read: looking for cool stuff, and making a messier mess of it)

    But they were quite a bit old, so they don't stick that well. The first couple of days the stars kept falling from the skies, and sometimes landed unsuspectingly on my head.

    It's a strange feeling to see yourself in the mirror, half asleep, with a star lodged in your cheek. ;)

    Posted 3 days, 3 hours after the fact
    Inspired by: ↑ Dunstan, ↑ Tim, ↑ Marq
  40. J Bosworth:

    Hmm... I've always wondered how you create that photo effect... So umm... yeah... How'd ya do it? =)

    Posted 3 days, 14 hours after the fact

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