Posts for the 1st April 2004 (2 entries)

Retro: Very arranged marriages

1st April 2004, early evening | Comments (35)

Tucson, Arizona, USA ~ April, 2002.

Today I stumbled across a web site called The Hindu, which is an online edition of India’s national newspaper.

In their Classifieds section they have four categories of adverts:

  1. Bridegrooms Wanted
  2. Brides Wanted
  3. Brides & Grooms Wanted
  4. Real Estate — Selling

Now, as regards Number 3: who’s actually having the wedding if they need a Bride and a Groom?

Some photos of home

1st April 2004, mid-afternoon | Comments (40)

I thought I'd show you were I sleep and work. Fascinating, I know…

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