3rd October 2003, lunch time | Comments (2)
What do you know about mazes?
My knowledge is fairly limited: there’s the story of the maze, the Minotaur and that chap (Theseus) with the string; and there’s a famous maze in England called the Hampton Court Maze. I’m not sure if I’ve been there myself, but by all accounts it’s a tricky one.
And that’s about it.
Well, to this less than impressive knowledge base I can now add another entry: The Route From Our Front Door To The Computer Room And Back.
It’s a killer.
Before I go any further, I’m going to leave the computer, walk to the front door, turn around, and walk back. I shall time myself…
There. Twenty seconds for the round trip. Two right hand turns on the way out, two left hand turns on the way back. Straight lines in between. An easy stroll through porch, hall, living room, and computer room, preparatory to turning around and doing the whole thing in reverse.
So how is that when the Men That Come To Fix My Computer visit, the following happens:
Ah, hello Computer Man, come on in.
Thank you.
Here is the computer. It is broken.
All done. I’ll be off now then.
Um, is it this way out?
Yes, that’s right.
Oh, I seem to be a little lost. Is it this door?
No, in fact that’s the toilet. You want the door you came in through 20 minutes ago.
Oh yes.
Oh, er…
Try again.
So close. Try again.
Right, well enough of this. You want this door here… and there’s the outside world for you. Goodbye.
The light! The air!
Thank you God!
Elapsed time = 4 minutes.
Number of times Man got lost = 5.
It’s remarkable.
I now see three options open to me:
Hmmm… decisions, decisions…
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Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.— George W Bush (9)
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