Post #14

The good life

23rd September 2003, lunch time | Comments (1)

A woman and a dog kneeling on the floor surrounded by piles of apples

I do love the fact that my parents have a large vegetable garden. We rarely have a meal where the fruit or veg doesn’t come from out back, and when the farm used to be active we’d have our own meat as well.

A young boy feeding some pigs

Chicken, lamb, pork, eggs, beans, cabbage, carrots, courgettes, cucumber, lettuce, peas, potatoes, tomatoes, apples, cherries, gooseberries and pears; my mum has, or had, it all out there… I find there’s something wonderfully real and grounding about that.

Anyway, I mention all that because, (a) I’m eating one of our pears as I type this, and (b) I’ve just seen the new McDonalds “I’m Lovin’ It” advert, and it made me hope that people continue to do what my parents did. Growing food in your garden and running small, personal farms seems to me to be the antithesis of fast food.

There used to be (in fact, the repeats are still shown) a TV show called The Good Life. It’s kind of how I think of my parents during the time we grew up. They weren’t that extreme by any means, but they were two lovely people, working hard for their family and trying not to waste money.

I’m very proud that my parents are my parents.

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  1. Hillary:

    I have the same thoughts like you, I also like garden with full of fruit, I have one at my place, where I can get: apples, pears, peachs, cherries, plums and apricots. And I love eating fresh fruits from my own garden.

    Posted 5 months, 1 week after the fact

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