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29th December 2003, early evening | Comments (28)
Well well, after a nice break for Christmas, I returned to my blog to find two rather annoying things: firstly some complete arse has taken to posting aggressive and rude comments here; and secondly, that a very busy site had linked directly to the three greetings cards I displayed in an earlier post, with no mention of me or my site (I left a comment, but they didn’t do anything about it).
How was I to deal with those two things with a tummy full of turkey?…
View this post in full (814 words).
22nd December 2003, late afternoon | Comments (46)
Here’s a quick questions for you all: has anyone ever used the calendar feature on this site (you can see it in the right hand column of the month, day, and post pages), either as a way to navigate, or just to see when I’ve posted?
The reason I’m interested is that I read a post on Widgetopia asking if calendars were useless on blogs, and it got me wondering why I’d put one in my design.
If it turns out no-one uses the damn thing, and seeing as it takes up quite a lot of vertical space in the side bar, I might as well kill it.
17th December 2003, late afternoon | Comments (7)
I don’t have time to write a fancy piece explaining the hows and the whys and the do-you-mind-if-I-don’ts, so I’ll just point out that I’ve added two new dynamic features to the blog: A list of all the people mentioned in this blog, and a list of all the domain names linked to in this blog.
You can access both from within the archive pages, using the ‘Meta searches’ menu options.
For some examples of the people thing at its best, see searches on my Mum, my Grandad, and The Big Man.
I’ll try and produce a full write up on this at a later date. In the meantime, any comments or suggestions would be gratefully received.
16th December 2003, late at night | Comments (44)
Well, after an impassioned email from Kirstin, I’ve made a few changes to the panorama graphics here, I hope they please the animal-lovers amongst us…
View this post in full (230 words, 1 image).
A collection of miscellaneous links that don't merit a main blog posting, but which are interesting none-the-less.
Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.— George W Bush (9)
Stuff from the intersection of design, culture and technology.(3)
A selection of blogs I read on a regular basis.