Ethan Marcotte

The person you searched for (Ethan Marcotte) was found in 4 posts. The first mention of this person in each post has been highlighted for you:

  1. Hitler who?

    19th October 2004 | Comments (49)

    …heard of the nazis before haven’t you? they were quite well known here in Europe how odd that they need ‘exposing’ Ethan oh, right… they sound vaguely familiar. ringing a few bells

  2. Howdy, from the West Coast

    29th April 2004 | Comments (41)

    …left me with little time for blogging. Here’s a brief update on what’s happened so far: Boston, for the weekend Ethan and his lady-love were great hosts. Friday was rainy, Saturday was a scorcher, Sunday was so-so. I met: my first lesbians (lovely girls);…

  3. A pair for every day of the week

    5th April 2004 | Comments (20)

    …I head off to San Francisco; only seventeen days in fact. I’m going to be flying out of Heathrow, stopping off in Boston to see Ethan, and then continuing on to my new (temporary) home. The last time I flew out of Heathrow was back in April 2003, when I was off to…

  4. Flexible floats 3

    28th March 2004 | Comments (22)

    …thanks to Mark Wubben and Dean Edwards for suggesting I look at this thing in a slightly different way. Also thanks also to Ethan, Drew, and Reid, who kindly checked the pages on their browsers. Again and again, and again.