The person you searched for (Prashant) has authored 6 comments. They are shown below in reverse date-order, and grouped by the post they belong to:
Post | Comment |
Post | Comment |
September 2004 | |
Link presentation and Fitts' Law | Thanks for the great tip Dunstan. I'm using it on my blogroll.… [view in situ] |
April 2004 | |
Retro: Very arranged marriages | Very well said Niket! I'm proud of you my brothaa!!! :-) [view in situ] |
Niket, I guess that's another lesson in the semantics of the 'American English' language compared to 'Indian English'! Oh those 21 years! How I wish they hadnt passed! :-) Dunstan/Sarah, having… [view in situ] |
Hahaha, These guys are just overboard! I think they mean "nationwide"!!! Then, ofcourse, when I read "national" I think "state-owned", but, I might be wrong too. [view in situ] |
Just for the record. India does not have a "national" newspaper. Cheers :-) [view in situ] |
This is hilarious. I would think the newspaper's editors would have a better hold of their english language. [view in situ] |
A collection of miscellaneous links that don't merit a main blog posting, but which are interesting none-the-less.
Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.— George W Bush (9)
Stuff from the intersection of design, culture and technology.(3)
A selection of blogs I read on a regular basis.