The person you searched for (Karl Bedingfield) has authored 7 comments. They are shown below in reverse date-order, and grouped by the post they belong to:
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February 2004 | |
Site updates | Thanks Dunstan, I promise that was the last question on this matter :) As you can see I don't know diddly squat on Javascript! Karl [view in situ] |
Yes it makes sense :) Like this? // run all the onload scripts
I just wasn't sure if I needed the ';'… [view in situ] |
Hi there, I have just one more question relating to bloclquotes. In my body tag I have the following:
Now when this is in place your blockquote js… [view in situ] |
Hi there, On your article you mention 'Check this page’s source for its use' but I cannot see any instance of a blockquote example. I tried to use the code but I got a scripting error that… [view in situ] |
Easy CSS drop shadows | Hi Dunstun, This really is great :) When using the illustrative class do you always have to specify an additional 10px in the 'style="width: 270px;'? So if my image is 160px w I would use… [view in situ] |
January 2004 | |
Javascript image captions | Hi Dunstan, Hmmm, I will have to play around a little more as I don't get any js errors. I added the script to my global js and called it. At least I know I can't use it with th drop shadows… [view in situ] |
Hi there, This is excellent! I have tried it used in conjunction with your drop shadow image technique and can't get it to work. I used:
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Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.— George W Bush (9)
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