Comments by: Aryan

The person you searched for (Aryan) has authored 4 comments. They are shown below in reverse date-order, and grouped by the post they belong to:

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July 2004
Redesign explained: time presentation

Hey dunstan,
I really like the new design, it has an "apple-like" (the panaroma window in particular) feel to it. Perhapes you should apply for a job at apple in their UI department (or whatever…

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Laptops as social aids

Well, it's really your choice but if you ask me I would hold off at least for 6 months. Yah you may say it's too much but that's me. But hey you can always buy it now and sell it on eBay if Apple…

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Interesting, didn't know that.
Now that's what the whole article is about, Social Aid. I get it now. ;)

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Hey Dunstan I'm guessing you bought a PowerBook. If I were you I would have had held my horses back for at least a while.
Right now doesn't seem like a good time to buy a laptop from Apple, at…

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