The person you searched for (Andy Budd) has authored 15 comments. They are shown below in reverse date-order, and grouped by the post they belong to:
Post | Comment |
Post | Comment |
November 2004 | |
A new job | Nice one Dunstan. Pleased that you got the job and equally pleased that we'll be having you back in the UK for a few months. If you need a hand over at cuppa-tea-no in 6 months time, you've got my… [view in situ] |
Chris MacDonald | Hmm, More pictures of men in tight trousers. I think SF may be rubbing off on you. I love his socks btw. Cover the top 3/4 and he looks like a Japanese schoolgirl. Obviously I won't be saying… [view in situ] |
October 2004 | |
Die photos, die! | Funny, I want to see more photos and coffee shop stories and less of those annoying web related posts. They were never very interesting or well written anyway and just got in the way of the main… [view in situ] |
Hitler who? | German Chap I believe. Very popular amongst American industrialist such as Henry Ford in the early 20's. [view in situ] |
Lemur therapy | Bryan – My brother is a Dr of Physiology and works for an NHS mental health trust dealing with people who have chronic schizophrenia. I see a huge difference between going to see a… [view in situ] |
Therapy Shmerapy! It's just a bunch of angst ridden, self obsessives whining about how hard their lives are because their parents didn't love then enough to buy them a pony. Wake up. Get a… [view in situ] |
Photoblog navigation woes | Part of the reason I decided to create my own gallery as I did was out of a similar frustration you felt looking at other peoples galleries. I hated the fact the people would put the next and prev… [view in situ] |
Diet Pepsi, the choice of Athlets | Let's face it, the US has one of the highest rates of obesity in the world (if not the highest). However the UK is fast approaching the US so we've got nothing to be smug about. [view in situ] |
September 2004 | |
Sin | Hey Dunstan, how about a Photoshop tutorial to show everybody how you did it? [view in situ] |
July 2004 | |
Barbequing with the rich and famous | Man, you should books guests for Jerry Springer. [view in situ] |
April 2004 | |
Howdy, from the West Coast | Sounds like you're gonna come back from SF a changed man ;-) Time to pop down to village books and buy a copy of "Tales of the City"? [view in situ] |
Trip 1: itinerary | Sounds like a great trip. Looking forward to all the great new articles and pic's you'll be posting. [view in situ] |
March 2004 | |
Web of the Day | lol [view in situ] |
February 2004 | |
Light Angels | Jeremy scares me as well :-) [view in situ] |
Snow, by torchlight | Way cool [view in situ] |
A collection of miscellaneous links that don't merit a main blog posting, but which are interesting none-the-less.
Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.— George W Bush (9)
Stuff from the intersection of design, culture and technology.(3)
A selection of blogs I read on a regular basis.