25th February 2005, early evening | Comments (28)
This is maybe the fourth time the puppies have been let outside to play, but the first time they’ve ventured into the woods. They seemed to enjoy it, and we certainly had a lot of fun watching them mess about.
Hmm, well, I’m afraid that I got a bit carried away with making it and no matter how hard I try to compress the thing it's still far too large to put in a web page (the original files totaled 24GB).
As a consequence I’m sorry to say that the only way you can see the video is by visiting my new (and un-styled) download site and getting your BitTorrent-groove on.
If you're BT-savvy then you should be fine, just click on the .torrent link. If you've no idea what BitTorrent is then click on the link marked “Easy Download” and follow the instructions. I’m informed that it should all just work. If you become totally lost then leave a comment below and I’ll try to help you.
Firstly: if anyone’s interested to know how I got the ground-level shots, I filmed it by fixing my iSight to the end of a stick and then dangling it one or two centimetres off the floor as I walked along (stick in left hand, laptop in right hand). It allowed me to get a very different perspective on things without having to bend over and crawl along the ground.
Secondly: the new download section is powered by BlogTorrent, a simple BitTorrent tracker, so you can host your own giant files without killing your server or burning your bandwidth. Check it out.
And thirdly: if you do download the .torrent, help me out and leave your BT client running for a bit so other people can get the file. Thanks very much.
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Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.— George W Bush (9)
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