7th October 2004, early evening | Comments (76)
I spent yesterday evening looking through quite a large number of photography web sites, specifically photoblogs, and had a mightily annoying time interacting with their ‘previous’ and ‘next’ navigation links.
Photoblogs typically present one large photograph at a time, with ‘previous’ and ‘next’ links displayed on either side to allow movement through the portfolio. However, 90% of the sites I visited seemed to be positioning these links in the wrong place, and it bugged the hell out of me.
I was going to write a big post on exactly why I got annoyed, how they could have prevented my annoyance, and the thinking behind my solution, but in the end I decided that I’d rather present some examples for you to see, and let you make up your mind which is the most sensibly designed navigation, and why the poorly designed layouts might be annoying.
Below are three layout examples for basic photoblog navigation. Click on each image and view the animation of that layout in use, then in the comments for this post rank the three examples (1 = Best, 2 = Okay, 3 = Worst), and note down the reasoning behind your choices.
In a few days time I’ll post my thoughts on the three designs and we’ll see if we all agree or not.
In the first two examples I’ve shown two mouse-pointers on the screen, this obviously wouldn’t happen in real life, but it helps to illustrate the use of both sets of navigation, top and bottom, in one go.
Also, when you view the animations try to imagine that you’re browsing not just through 3 images (as is shown in each example), but through 50, 80, or 100. Annoying choices/actions quickly morph into major pains when you have to repeat them that many times.
Leave your rankings and comments below. (Oh, and sorry for the large file sizes of the animations, I couldn't find a way to make them any smaller.)
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