Post #500

Baseball batter at Oakland Coliseum

5th October 2004, early afternoon | Comments (17)

A montage of a baseball batter striking the ball at the Oakland Coliseum
Josh Paul of the Anaheim Angels, batting at the Oakland Athletics’ Coliseum

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  1. Rob Mientjes:

    Damn, your compositions look so nice! Could you tell us some more about it? Even showing more of them would be great ;)

    So is this blog turning into a photolog?

    Posted 11 minutes after the fact
    Inspired: ↓ Dunstan
  2. Martin:

    I agree - Damn!

    Looks like you had really good seats... :)

    Posted 14 minutes after the fact
    Inspired: ↓ Dunstan
  3. Dunstan:

    It is in danger of becoming a photoblog, isn't it?
    I've three more photos from that game, and a couple from a street fair to come, but I promise I also have some more nonsense writing, and some technical pieces which just need finishing touches added before I can publish them.

    The thing is, the writing takes ages, and when you've busy (as I've been the last week or so) it's hard to get them done. Photos, on the other hand, don't take long at all, and feel much less like hard work :o)

    The writing will return, never fear...

    p.s. I'll also try and include a tutorial on these kinds of photos, as I promised last time.

    Posted 18 minutes after the fact
    Inspired by: ↑ Rob Mientjes
    Inspired: ↓ Rob Mientjes, ↓ Rushi Vishavadia
  4. Dunstan:

    We were actually about 10 rows from the very, very top, but I sneaked down to the very front and snapped a few pics.

    I also nearly caught a ball while I was there; I was busy looking through the camera and didn't realise what was happening until the last minute. I got a hand to the ball and pushed it straight up, but before I could get out of my seat to complete the catch, some swine behind me grabbed it :o(

    BTW, I've tried sneaking to the front of the stands at Oakland, San Francisco, and New York, and Oakland is by far the easiest, not a ticket-checker in sight!

    Posted 21 minutes after the fact
    Inspired by: ↑ Martin
  5. Rob Mientjes:

    Yay! You still please me every time.

    Your nonsense writing... I was afraid my blogging was turning into just talking about my range and about serious stuff, so I wrote an article/rant about glasses [1] :) Indeed, photos are easier to post, don't need typographical refining. I need more web space!

    Oh, and it's good you're busy. We can't expect from you to always be working on some blog, or what do they call this hype these day?

    And the tutorial would be highly appreciated. You tha man, Dunstan.


    Posted 23 minutes after the fact
    Inspired by: ↑ Dunstan
  6. Joachim Guanzon:

    That's one helluva great shot!

    Posted 23 minutes after the fact
  7. Mathieu 'P01' HENRI:

    Run Forest! Run!

    Great picture(s) and Photoshop skills ... as usual.

    Posted 33 minutes after the fact
  8. Jeff:

    I was getting a bit scared of the lack of writing too. I'm happy this isn't going to be a photo-log!

    Once again, a great composition, wonderful lighting, and nice time-scan thingy. I want more writing though! It doesn't have to be perfect, just as long as it's there.

    Posted 1 hour, 32 minutes after the fact
  9. Yannick L.:

    Awesome shots man!!!

    Posted 3 hours, 32 minutes after the fact
  10. Msgre:

    Too much red color in photo, isn't it?

    Posted 9 hours, 24 minutes after the fact
  11. MaThIbUs:

    There's nothing wrong with a 1976design turning into half a photolog, as long as there's code and photo tutorials :)

    Great shots by the way, I wonder how you do it.

    Posted 15 hours, 27 minutes after the fact
  12. Jake:

    Awesome pic Dunstan, your photo's never cease to amaze me.
    Good Stuff


    Posted 15 hours, 48 minutes after the fact
  13. Turnip:

    If a "blog" is actually a "weblog" then should we be saying something like "phlog" instead of "photolog"? ;-)

    Posted 16 hours, 20 minutes after the fact
    Inspired: ↓ Niv
  14. Rushi Vishavadia:

    Pretty good picture. Looking forward to the tutorial.

    Posted 1 day, 3 hours after the fact
    Inspired by: ↑ Dunstan
  15. Niv:

    i think it would follow this analogy:

    Posted 1 day, 4 hours after the fact
    Inspired by: ↑ Turnip
    Inspired: ↓ Turnip
  16. Turnip:

    Yes, but "olog" sounds terrible! :)

    Posted 1 day, 9 hours after the fact
    Inspired by: ↑ Niv
  17. John B:

    Looks like a long lens was used --> the bullpen pitchers look to be just behind the first base coach when in fact they are fairly far away. Cool photo effects and stuff.
    --jb, a ballplayer.

    Posted 5 days, 21 hours after the fact

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