Post #495

Sweet September summer

4th October 2004, late evening | Comments (12)

A poem written on a wall reading 'San Francisco, Sweet September summer, Don't slumber, The days will be numbered.'
San Francisco, Sweet September summer, Don't slumber, The days will be numbered.

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  1. Isaac Z. Schlueter:

    Hey, Dunstan, props on another excellent graffitti shot. You really have an excellent eye.

    Maybe it's just because no one else commented before me, but I got a script error on this page. RSS Reader (which I think is some kind of IE) said:
    Line: 103
    Char: 3
    Error: Object Required
    Code: 0
    Do you want to continue running scripts on this page?

    Firefox's JavaConsole said:
    Error: oCommentContainer has no properties.
    var oChild = oCommentContainer.firstChild;

    It looks like oCommentContainer gets its properties from this bit right above that:
    var oCommentContainer = document.getElementById("cmnts-list");

    You could probably avoid the error by wrapping the rest of the "init()" function in an if, something like this:
    // initiate everything
    init : function init()
        var oCommentContainer = document.getElementById("cmnts-list");
        if( oCommentContainer )
          var oChild = oCommentContainer.firstChild;
          // loop through all the children of the <ol>
            if (oChild.nodeType == 1 && oChild.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "li")
              addEvent(oChild, "click",;
              addEvent(oChild, "focus",;
            oChild = oChild.nextSibling;
          while(oChild != null);

    Sorry for the long and off-topic comment. Hope it's helpful. Thanks again for a delightful blog.

    Posted 27 minutes after the fact
  2. Karan:

    I didn't get any error like Isaac's in FeedDemon, but while we're on the topic of bugs - your little increase/decrease textarea code is wonderful, but in IE it causes an error if you try to decrease and the size will end up less than 0. Firefox has no complaints.

    It's not a hard-to-fix issue, and probably not vital, but just not neat enough. We expect better of you, Dunstan! heheh =)

    p.s. another cool image.

    Posted 1 hour, 50 minutes after the fact
    Inspired: ↓ Isaac Z. Schlueter
  3. Jan:

    OK, this seems to be the official Bug Blog Entry ;-)

    Firefox 1.0 fails in loading the "Live Bookmarks" from your RSS Feed.

    And yes, nice shot.

    PS: Funny, your spell checker thinks "Firefox" is a spelling mistake.

    Posted 2 hours, 3 minutes after the fact
  4. Jack:

    That's such a nice poem, it always feels like it's being wasted just sitting on that tiny pile of bricks.

    Alas, I have found no bugs with your site.

    Posted 3 hours, 20 minutes after the fact
  5. Chino:

    hey, dunstan! your blog's design is _awesome_. love your photos! hope you don't mind if i link to your blog. ;)

    Posted 3 hours, 40 minutes after the fact
  6. Colin D. Devroe:

    I think you are creating these masterpieces prior to taking a picture of them.

    Posted 8 hours, 42 minutes after the fact
  7. Karen:

    I wonder if we'll have our own local knock-off version:

    Kansas City
    sweet October fall
    Apocalypse comes now
    Or not at all

    Great picture, Dunstan. :)

    Posted 12 hours after the fact
  8. Seth Thomas Rasmussen:

    Have you ever considered starting a photoblog?

    You take some excellent shots, sir. I'd certainly enjoy a daily dose of Dunstan's eye. :)

    Posted 12 hours, 40 minutes after the fact
  9. Isaac Z. Schlueter:

    Ack, I've started a trend!

    Karan, it only occurs when there's no comments already. Soon as someone leaves a comment, the object has properties (otherwise it's "null", because there's no element with id="cmnts-list".) Modern browsers are kind enough to fail somewhat quietly.

    Posted 1 day, 13 hours after the fact
    Inspired by: ↑ Karan
    Inspired: ↓ Karan
  10. Karan:

    Isaac, it happens regardless of whether there are comments or not - and it's not the best thing to allow it to shrink away when there's nothing in there. IE reports a Javascript error, and the average user gets frightened by it. Clean interface design, and all that.

    I understand Firefox handles it nicely, but Firefox isn't yet 90% or so of the browser market.

    A simple if-else wrapping statement would solve it, so it's not much to take care of. Even I only noted this when I put it on my own site and did some quick boundary testing.

    Posted 1 day, 17 hours after the fact
    Inspired by: ↑ Isaac Z. Schlueter
    Inspired: ↓ Isaac Z. Schlueter
  11. Isaac Z. Schlueter:

    Oh, whoops. Sorry, Karan, I thought you were still talking about the missing cmnts-list element, not the comment textarea size changer. You're absolutely right about that. (The missing cmnts-list element, which caused the RSSReader error, isn't a problem if there are comments, and that's what I was referring to.)

    Dunstan, I hope that you don't take all this bughashing the wrong way. It is a law of nature that any sufficiently complicated software system will have a certain number of bugs. In an ideal system, that number approaches zero. We're just so used to your blog being perfect that it's a bit discombobulating when it appears to have been designed by a mortal human! :)

    Posted 1 day, 18 hours after the fact
    Inspired by: ↑ Karan
  12. Joshua Street:

    Is that chalk? If it is, that'd be an interesting testament to the weather, given that it hadn't washed away by the 4th of October :P

    Posted 3 days, 21 hours after the fact

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