Post #491


22nd September 2004, early morning | Comments (17)

A shop sign which reads 'SIN'
Altered from a section of an original shop sign

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Comments (17)

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  1. Scott:

    That looks really cool, Dunstan, I like the rust run off, or at least that's what it looks like.

    Posted 3 hours, 15 minutes after the fact
  2. Rob Mientjes:

    I like it. What have you manipulated exactly? Just colours etc, or really a retouching job?

    Posted 3 hours, 21 minutes after the fact
  3. Rob Mientjes:

    Sorry, accidentally skipped the line saying what photo it was manipulated from. Never mind!

    Posted 3 hours, 23 minutes after the fact
  4. Darryl Millar:

    Interesting manipulation. I'm kind of curious to know the motivation or inspiration behind it.

    Posted 3 hours, 35 minutes after the fact
    Inspired: ↓ Turnip, ↓ Dunstan
  5. Turnip:

    He was probably bored ;)

    "The devil makes work for idle thumbs"

    Do you ever use the GIMP, Dunstan? (Just interested)

    Posted 4 hours, 5 minutes after the fact
    Inspired by: ↑ Darryl Millar
    Inspired: ↓ Dunstan
  6. Dunstan:

    I just saw the sign, and it looked kinda cool, and I think my brain must have recognised the potential, so I snapped away :o)

    Posted 4 hours, 22 minutes after the fact
    Inspired by: ↑ Darryl Millar
    Inspired: ↓ Darryl Millar
  7. Dunstan:

    Nope, never used GIMP, although I have looked at it.
    I'm a Photoshop boy, through and through.

    Posted 4 hours, 23 minutes after the fact
    Inspired by: ↑ Turnip
    Inspired: ↓ Turnip
  8. Turnip:

    I haven't used it as much as I've used Photoshop, but I used it a bit the other day to make Tony Blair look like a goblin (my English teacher gave us homework to make a "WANTED" poster for Puck from A Midsummer Night's Dream, and I thought it would be fun ;). It's quite good I think, although I don't like that fact that every toolbox thing is recognised as a separate window in the taskbar, I'd much prefer just have it as one window. I would have used Photoshop, but I use Fedora Linux as my main OS now, and I can never be bothered to boot Windows :). (Before you say it, yes, I'd love a Mac, but that won't happen any time soon.) I heard that Photoshop runs under Wine (a Windows emulator type thing), but I'm not too keen to use that, it apparently uses a lot of resources, so maybe the instability of Windows comes too ;). There's probably a setting for that multi-window mode in GIMP somewhere...

    Posted 4 hours, 35 minutes after the fact
    Inspired by: ↑ Dunstan
    Inspired: ↓ Jay Pettitt
  9. Darryl Millar:

    Yeah, I assumed as much :)

    What did the original sign say?

    Posted 5 hours, 34 minutes after the fact
    Inspired by: ↑ Dunstan
    Inspired: ↓ Dunstan
  10. Jay Pettitt:

    You can dock palettes and windows in Gimp 2. You'll still probably end up with 2 or 3 items on the task bar, but that ain't so bad seeing as you can switch taskbars and desktops and stuff :) Its a drag and drop job - but you have to grab the right bit and drop in the right place too. have a look at

    Posted 5 hours, 50 minutes after the fact
    Inspired by: ↑ Turnip
    Inspired: ↓ Darryl Millar
  11. Dunstan:

    I can't remember; probably something like "HARBIN'S".

    Posted 5 hours, 58 minutes after the fact
    Inspired by: ↑ Darryl Millar
  12. Darryl Millar:

    The docking is nice, but it really doesn't compare to an MDI environment. To my knowledge, there is no MDI support in GTK at this time, which is unfortunate.

    WINE actually works pretty well once you've got it all setup (which can be a hassle) but it's often well worth it. Applications like Adobe Reader, mIRC, and some others work perfectly right away. Visit the WINE Application Database (1) for more information about which applications run and which don't.

    Additionally, there is CrossOver Office (2) and WineX (3) which may also be of interest.


    Posted 5 hours, 59 minutes after the fact
    Inspired by: ↑ Jay Pettitt
  13. Seth Thomas Rasmussen:

    That's nice, especially with the unaltered photo for comparison. Without it, I might have assumed "sin" was the end of a word, and then it's not as impressive. :)

    Posted 1 day, 1 hour after the fact
  14. Nis Sarup:

    With a little more fiddling. You could spell my name :)

    Posted 1 day, 8 hours after the fact
  15. ACJ:

    A dot on the capital 'I'? Ouch, that's very bad, Dunstan … unless it's Turkish. :p Nice Photoshopping™.

    Posted 2 days, 2 hours after the fact
  16. Andy Budd:

    Hey Dunstan, how about a Photoshop tutorial to show everybody how you did it?

    Posted 4 days, 23 hours after the fact
  17. Noelino:

    Nice work Dunstan; it's a cool sign before you made it twist my evil desires ;-)

    Posted 5 days, 18 hours after the fact

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