8th May 2004, mid-afternoon | Comments (29)
You may or may not know that I have no sense of smell. None at all. Because of that I also have a very limited sense of taste; the two being closely tied together. These litle quirks have been coming up a lot recently, what with meeting new people and all, and a common question I’ve been asked is, are any of my other sense heightened to compensate for this lack of olfactory prowess? Am I perhaps blessed with canine-like hearing? Thundercat-like sight-beyond-sight? Or, you know, like, really sensitive fingers?
The answer, unfortunately, is no; my other three senses are the same as everyone else’s. However, all the questions started me thinking about the sorts of things I like and dislike to experience through my senses. Dealing with seeing seemed a little cliched, and touch, well, I don’t honestly know that I could list anything I like to touch without getting a little risque. So, here’s what I like and dislike hearing (above all else) .
The one sound I’d be happy never to hear again, is the sound of my girlfriend in our bed with another man.
The one sound I can’t get enough of is my nephew, Lucas, speaking my name. I could sit there and listen to him saying Dunan? Dunan? Fy, fy?
all day long… it’s the most wonderful thing.
How ’bout you? What are your favourite and least favourite sounds?
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Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.— George W Bush (9)
Stuff from the intersection of design, culture and technology.(3)
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