So that's three 'switchers' I know of whose first experience of Apple is one of being conned. That's you screwed by Apple by a two weeks, me screwed by Apple by four days and my mate James screwed by Apple by two days.
James bought his beautiful, superceded 17" PowerBook on Saturday 17th April - two days before all the specs were increased and the prices reduced. Unfortunately for him, James had decided to take advantage of his brother working at PC World (scumbag high street rip-off merchants) in order to get a 10% discount. James is old enough and wise enough to know better. Had he bought direct from Apple he would have got a replacement machine no problem but now he's stuck.
Why oh why can't Apple make these announcements in advance and give consumers a chance? Sure, Apple won't sell many machines in the interim but those lost purchases will be made a few weeks later. It's got to be better than customers, especially those new to Apple, being made to feel gullible and conned.