Post #241

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Most romantic things to do

10th February 2004, the wee hours | Comments (8)

I wondered why I’d bookmarked this… and then the music started playing. I’m in love!

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Comments (8)

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  1. Emmanuel:

    The music is adorable. Who needs to actually *do* something for their girlfriend/wife when giving them this URL would communicate so much more!

    Posted 1 week, 2 days after the fact
  2. Sian:

    You really like that music?

    Posted 2 weeks, 2 days after the fact
    Inspired: ↓ Dunstan
  3. Dunstan:

    No! :oD

    Posted 2 weeks, 2 days after the fact
    Inspired by: ↑ Sian
    Inspired: ↓ Sian
  4. Sian:

    Praise be! I started to get a little worried.

    Posted 2 weeks, 2 days after the fact
    Inspired by: ↑ Dunstan
  5. ªンラインカジノ:

    Romantic dinner?!

    Posted 3 months after the fact
  6. Adrix:

    blairing clairinets arent my taste of love

    Posted 1 year after the fact
  7. Edgar:

    if you guys would like to do something really romantic for your girlfriend, take her to the beach at night and play a song that shows her how much she means to you and dance on the beach but you have to make a heart out of candles and light them and dance in the middle of the heart...

    Posted 1 year after the fact
  8. Coolio:

    what would be the most romantic thing that i could do for my girlfriend?.... i was thinking some ideas like going up to the mountains and getting my parenst boat and have us left alone on the boat at night and watch the sunset go down... would that be romantic?... what else could i do with that like during the day? please help me!

    Posted 2 years, 1 month after the fact

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