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26th March 2004, mid-afternoon | Comments (36)
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In my newly styled reading section I’m using das wundervoll float model to maximise the use of space on the page. I’m quite pleased with the result, so I thought I’d share how I’ve done it.
(It's worth pointing out here that I no longer use this code on the reading page, but you can see it in action on a demo page. It's worth taking a look there if you get confused.)
Each book/author and its accompanying information is laid out using a definition list. These <dl>
s are each given a fixed width (in pixels) and floated left, so they wrap around to form rows and columns.
When the browser window is nice and wide, the width of the main content div, div#left
(shown below with a red border), is sufficient to let these floated <dl>
s (shown below with black borders) wrap two or more to a line.
s wrap around, two to a line
But when the browser window narrows, (and div#left
with it), these floated <dl>
s ‘unwrap’ and sit one to a line.
s onto separate lines
The only problem is that when the floated <dl>
s unwrap, there’s an awful lot of wasted space on the right hand side of div#left
There’s plenty of content to fill that white space (look at the amount of text in the Phillip Pullman entry), but it’s unable to spread out. Why? Because it’s contained within the fixed-width <dl>
Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a way of saying to the page, Excuse me, have you seen all that white space over there? It’s just that if you
s would stop being fixed width for a bit, relax, and spread out across the page, things would look a lot nicer.
Now, how would you do that?…
Enter Stuart Langridge, and his Big Book Of Doing Things In Javascript:
s resize to take advantage of the white space
Javascript, oh lovely Javascript, you are the solution to all my problems, come here and let me hug you…
Put simply, the script checks the width of div#left
and asks itself: “is div#left
wide enough to allow two 150px-wide <dl>
s, plus padding and margins, to float side-by-side?”
If the answer is Yes, then the <dl>
s are set to width: 150px
, and they wrap around, two to a line.
If the answer is No, then the <dl>
s are set to the-width-of-div#left-minus-150px
, and sit one to a line. (Using the width of div#left
as a starting point ensures that the <dl>
s will never overflow their container.)
This way there will never be unused white space; both wide and narrow screens (and everything in between) are provided for.
Neat, eh?
Here’s the Javascript code:
// Event Listener
// by Scott Andrew -
function addEvent(obj, evType, fn)
if (obj.addEventListener)
obj.addEventListener(evType, fn, false);
return true;
else if (obj.attachEvent)
var r = obj.attachEvent('on'+evType, fn);
return r;
return false;
// from your man at
addEvent(window, "load", resizeBooks);
addEvent(window, "resize", resizeBooks);
function resizeBooks(e)
// check this browser can cope with what we want to do
if (!document.getElementById) return;
var bd = document.getElementById('rec-books-lists');
if (!bd) return;
var ad = document.getElementById('rec-authors-lists');
if (!ad) return;
var lf = document.getElementById('left');
if (!lf) return;
if (!lf.offsetWidth) return;
cnbd = bd.childNodes;
cnad = ad.childNodes;
// if div#left is wide enough to accept two or more floated <dl>s
if (lf.offsetWidth >= 621)
// loop through all the dls in div#rec-books-lists and resize them to 150px
for (var i=0;i<cnbd.length;i++)
if (cnbd[i].nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'dl')
cnbd[i].style.width = '150px';
// loop through all the dls in div#rec-authors-lists and resize them to 150px
for (var i=0;i<cnad.length;i++)
if (cnad[i].nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'dl')
cnad[i].style.width = '150px';
// if div#left is too narrow to accept two or more floated <dl>s
// loop through all the dls in div#rec-books-lists and resize them to the-width-of-div#left-minus-150px
for (var i=0;i<cnbd.length;i++)
if (cnbd[i].nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'dl')
cnbd[i].style.width = (lf.offsetWidth - 150) + 'px';
// loop through all the dls in div#rec-authors-lists and resize them to the-width-of-div#left-minus-150px
for (var i=0;i<cnad.length;i++)
if (cnad[i].nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'dl')
cnad[i].style.width = (lf.offsetWidth - 150) + 'px';
The only blot on the landscape here is that some browsers (Opera and Safari 1.0.2) become confused at the idea of absolutely positioning an element within a floated container, consequently this sort of thing happens:
To get around this I’ve had to mess with the CSS and introduce a couple of annoying extra rules. Firstly I code everything as normal, so IE gets the nice layout. Then I remove the float using a Child combinator so Opera displays the page in an acceptable format, and then finally I use an Attribute selector to re-re-set the float for FireFox.
Bit of a laugh, eh?
Here’s some of the CSS, to illustrate that:
/* lay everything out for browsers like IE */
body#reading dl {
border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd;
float: left;
height: 170px;
margin: 0 25px 20px 0;
padding: 0 0 0 113px;
position: relative;
width: 150px;
body#reading dl dd div {
background: url('/blog/commonpics/bg_image.gif') no-repeat bottom right;
left: 5px;
position: absolute;
top: 5px;
/* reset float for Opera */
html > body#reading dl {
float: none;
/* reset float for FF */
html[xmlns] body#reading dl {
float: left;
And there you have it. If you find any browser bugs, then please let me know.
Thanks to Stuart for writing the initial Javascript code, and to Marc Blessington, Rimantas Liubertas and Douglas Bowman for trying to help with the Opera issue.
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Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.— George W Bush (9)
Stuff from the intersection of design, culture and technology.(3)
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