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25th February 2004, the wee hours | Comments (16)
Note: This popped into my head this evening. I have no idea why. My socks are just fine.
I used to have socks
but alas they’re no more
though I peered in the cupboards
and I searched on the floor
I looked in the freezer
and under the stairs
in the end I presumed
they’d been taken by Bears
I phoned London Zoo
and demanded they see
that my socks weren’t being worn
by a chimp or a bee
They checked all their charges
and said there’s no truth
in the thought of my socks
being on claw or on hoof
I called the Police in
to ransack my house
but their search unearthed nothing
not even a mouse
I gave them permission
to question my clothes
but the answers they got
were that “nobody knows”
And lo as I type this
I’ve learned nothing new
my socks are still missing
and my toes have turned blue
My ankles are chilled
and my knees miss the heat
so tonight spare a thought
for my poor little feet
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