Post #501

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Oi chihuahua

5th October 2004, early evening | Comments (20)

An 8-week old chihuahua puppy being held in a man's hand
(This image was converted to black & white and then colourised using Photoshop)

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  1. Jeff:

    That's definately my favorite photo in a long time! You definately need a huge version for my background!

    The best I've seen in a very long time.

    Posted 16 minutes after the fact
  2. Andrei Bazhgin:

    It looks nice... although de-saturating the image instead of re-coloring it would have been a better option because you would not loose the natural color hue changes.

    Posted 34 minutes after the fact
    Inspired: ↓ Dunstan
  3. Dunstan:

    Desaturating it wouldn't have done any good at all since the colours in the initial image weren't very interesting, and as a simple black and white image it didn't do much better.

    This version is by far the best and completely changes the tone of the photo.

    Posted 1 hour, 5 minutes after the fact
    Inspired by: ↑ Andrei Bazhgin
    Inspired: ↓ Andrei Bazhgin, ↓ Dunstan
  4. Benjamin:

    I can't figure out if the chihuahua looks sad or simply wants to get down. What's the original resolution? It would make a killer wallpaper.

    Posted 1 hour, 26 minutes after the fact
    Inspired: ↓ Pascal
  5. Darryl Millar:

    That's a truly amazing photo.

    Every element is simply perfect.

    Great job!

    Posted 2 hours, 9 minutes after the fact
  6. Andrei Bazhgin:

    In regards to #cmnt4081,

    sorry to be off-topic, but don't all comments from the *real* Dunstan have a little naked Dunstan next to them?

    Posted 3 hours, 9 minutes after the fact
    Inspired by: ↑ Dunstan
    Inspired: ↓ David Gouch
  7. David Gouch:

    Dunstan's special icon disappears for good after you click or focus on his comments. After that, they're styled like a normal comment. So don't worry, it's the *real* Dunstan.

    Posted 3 hours, 37 minutes after the fact
    Inspired by: ↑ Andrei Bazhgin
    Inspired: ↓ Andrei Bazhgin
  8. Rob Mientjes:

    I dig this one. You should sell this stuff. Really outstanding quality.

    Posted 5 hours, 23 minutes after the fact
    Inspired: ↓ MaThIbUs
  9. Andrei Bazhgin:

    I suppose he should fix this :p

    Posted 6 hours, 12 minutes after the fact
    Inspired by: ↑ David Gouch
  10. Pascal:

    Having had 2 8-week old puppies, I think the little fellow is rather excited than sad.

    I think he's more like "Can we have this a little bit higher? Pleeeeeease!"

    As always a very nice photo (and PS work).

    Posted 6 hours, 20 minutes after the fact
    Inspired by: ↑ Benjamin
  11. MaThIbUs:

    He shouldn't sell it! He should post it on his blog, as he's doing now. Imagine we had to pay to visit 1976design!!! (Hope I'm not giving Dunstan bad ideas here...)

    No really, if you would sell huge versions of your photos, you could easily become rich, Dunstan.

    Posted 11 hours, 26 minutes after the fact
    Inspired by: ↑ Rob Mientjes
  12. Frank:


    Thanks, Dunstan.

    Posted 11 hours, 42 minutes after the fact
  13. Turnip:

    Wow... small dog! :)

    Posted 12 hours, 21 minutes after the fact
  14. Chris Hester:

    Sorry, but I would prefer to see the colour original. The hand and the dog look like a montage due to the re-colouring. It just looks a tad 'wrong' to my eyes. (Sorry to criticise this photo, but I would like to be honest here rather than just praise everything Dunstan did regardless. I think his other photos are superb.)

    Posted 20 hours, 27 minutes after the fact
    Inspired: ↓ Dunstan
  15. Dunstan:

    The original image was pretty poor, I had one chance for a quick shot, in not-so-good lighting conditions, and with a bit of a crappy background.

    You can see the original here:

    The idea of the Photoshopping was to turn this image into something a bit more interesting, and with a touch of 'strange and 'old' about it.

    In short, I liked the idea of the photo, just not the photo itself, so I PS'd it until I was satisfied.

    Posted 20 hours, 55 minutes after the fact
    Inspired by: ↑ Dunstan, ↑ Chris Hester
    Inspired: ↓ Chris Hester
  16. Chris Hester:

    Looking at it again today, it looks better. I did my own version based on your colour original. Oddly it turned out much like yours.

    I didn't convert it to black and white. Instead I took out nearly all the yellow hue, lightened the background and desaturated the whole picture.

    Posted 1 day, 18 hours after the fact
    Inspired by: ↑ Dunstan
    Inspired: ↓ Jon Reid
  17. Ross Shannon:

    Haha, the face on him. It's cool that you showed the original image. Seen side-by-side, it looks garish, while the rejigged version has some sort of storm-weathered feeling to it.

    Posted 3 days, 9 hours after the fact
  18. Mickey:

    Please keep 'em coming! These are great! Thank you!

    Posted 3 weeks, 3 days after the fact
  19. Jon Reid:

    Okay, so i know this is a little late as i just stumbled accross this site...

    You only did okay with the image. Dunstan's looks much better in my opinion.

    Adding color gives the photo a much better "old-fashioned" look.

    Oooh look, I used photoshop to make the picture look grainy and old!

    - Ok, seriously, who can't do that?
    Dunstan gets the credit for taking a good photograph period.

    Posted 2 months, 2 weeks after the fact
    Inspired by: ↑ Chris Hester
  20. Chiman:

    That is a lovely photo. I liken it to those Anne Gedes photos of Babies etc

    Well done

    Posted 5 months, 3 weeks after the fact

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