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10th April 2004, the wee hours | Comments (31)
I don’t know that this is entirely a good idea, but I thought it might be helpful for other aspiring photographers to see some ‘before’ and ‘after’ versions of my work.
Why might that be useful? Well, let me explain…
One of the things I worried about when I first started snapping away, was that I’d never master the technical side of photography; that although my framing of a scene was okay, my application of the aperture/shutter speed relationship would always let me down. My photos would come out too dark, or slightly off-kilter, or the focus wasn’t right. I didn’t see how I could ever achieve the perfection that others seemed to produce on a daily basis. Then I discovered Photoshop, and all my worries vanished.
I’m not saying that Photoshop entirely replaces photographic ability, or that you shouldn’t strive to become a technically excellent photographer (by all means, do), I’m simply saying you shouldn’t discard images because they’re wonky, or the crop is wrong, or they’re slightly out of focus. If the composition is right, and the subject is interesting, then odds are the computer can save you.
The following images have been tarted up using a mixture of:
(As always, click on a photo to see a larger version.)
I’m not going to get into writing tutorials for this kind of thing (because it takes forever to do one properly), but I do hope this post might encourage you to give your not-quite-right images a second chance. Knowing what’s possible, that’s half the battle; I’ll leave it up to you and Google to manage the rest.
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